Say What?!?

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Trump: Sleepy Joe I just got a call from The Government. They have an announcement tonight.

Biden: They're not replacing me with you, are they?

Trump: I Wish. But no.

Obama: hold on a Fucking second, how are YOU getting calls from the government and not us?

Trump: Because you're Fucking ANCIENT in terms of presidency, and Sleepy Joe...... Take a guess.


Dean falls THROUGH the ceiling.

Bayley: Dean!! Are you okay?

Dean: of course I am.

Obama: HOLY SHIT!!! A wooden stake is in your back!!!

Dean simply just pulls the stake out.

Dean: Hehehe Not the first time.

Bayley: We need to get your wounds clean.

Dean: nope.

Becky: Yes!

Bayley grabs dean's arm and drags him to the car.

Seth: Sometimes Dean has to learn when enough's Enough.

Trump rolls his eyes and turns on the TV.

Trump rolls his eyes and turns on the TV

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Cole: Hello Welcome to The NeWs, I am your host Michael Cole

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Cole: Hello Welcome to The NeWs, I am your host Michael Cole. By Now I'm sure you're aware that United States President Joe Biden has been suspended because.... That can happen?

Trump: Yeah, This is the greatest week of My life.

Obama: you mean what's left of it.

Cole: I have gotten word that The United States Has Decided To REPLACE Biden for the rest of His Term. And it is official who is running.

Trump: not me guys. I wish I did.

The TV screen then says who IS running.

The TV screen then says who IS running

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Seth spits out his drink.

Seth: What?!?!

Cole: Yes, Their candidate to replace Biden is The Best in The World, Shane McMahon, and He's gaining a LOT of supporters.

Roman: You just HAD to launch the nuke last week.

Obama Then walks outside.

Trump: Obamna where are you going?

Obama: I'm going to see what this "Shane McMahon" Wants to do as president.

Shane: End of Chapter, And Pretty soon, I will be the new president, and I'll join these 3 losers and make them my slaves. Why? Because I'M the Best in The World.

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