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Trump: Great. Another boring day. I just Hope Sleepy Joe wakes up soon. We're supposed to play some Minecraft.


Trump answers the door, only to hear guitar strings.

Elias: Hello, I am e-

Trump looks at Elias like he's a complete doofus.

Elias: Donald Trump... Do you want to walk with Elias?


Trump just closes the door.

Trump: This city is weird. I mean, just yesterday I heard something about a man with demonic puppets.

Biden: Good morning Donald.

Trump: Sleepy Joe, about time you wake up. So how was the basement?

Biden: It was actually pretty nice.

Bayley: Yep. I decorated it to give a Warm welcome to Guests 😊.

Trump: Yet you still feed your guests Dog Shit.

Obama: Donald, Her food is delicious. I'm surprised you of all people didn't ask for fourths. At least show Some respect.

Bayley: So, tell me Again why we have so much ice cream?

Biden: To power up the Biden blast.

Bayley: uhhhhh....

Trump: Nah he just eats 67 pounds of ice cream a day.

Bayley: I like ice cream too but that much is WAY too unhealthy. I'd say maybe a cone or 2 a day.

Dean: Hey Guys! Who's ready to get Lit tonight.

He's Carrying 3 24-packs of Whiskey.

Trump: I'm In.

Obama: God damnit Donald.


Trump answers the door.

Matt: OOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAHHH!! DONALD TRUUUUUUUMP, We Must Journey To the Multiverse Yeeeeesssss.


Trump closes the door.

Trump: Is this town always full of weirdos?

Seth: pretty much. You should meet Bayley's Boyfriend.

Trump: Bayley has a boyfriend? 😂😂😂😂 Oh that's rich. Got any other jokes?

Dean: no we're serious. And Don't try that with him. He's got his demon side.

Trump: A guy who just randomly plays guitar, Whoever the hell this last guy was, and now a Fucking demon? What kind of city is this.

Seth: WWE City. I should know, I went to NXT middle school here as well.

Obama: So how exactly did a Wrestling company, become a city?

MrAmbrose1 himself opens the door.

MrAmbrose1: 100+ books of weird shit that makes you wonder if I do cocaine before writing these.

Seth Sits down on the couch and Turns on The TV.


Vince: Good Afternoon Citizens of WWE City.... I OWN YOU!!!! okay end of Announcement.

Trump: ....... What an Asshole.

Obama: End of Chapter. Hope you guys love this chapter.

Trump: If you didn't I will build a wall around your house.

Obama: oh come on Donald. Anyway, see you in the next one.

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