Chapter 1: First Impressions

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"Hermano, wake up. We have a briefing in 2 hour's" Alejandro says, after knocking at Johnny's door. As he walks away, Johnny sits up on the edge of his bed as and stretches. He sighs as he gets up to get changed. After which he gets his phone and walks to the Lounge to eat breakfast.

He walks Into the Lounge and gets his breakfast and sits down, starting to eat. He sees Ghost walk in and waves at him. "morning Ghost, did you sleep wel?" Ghost nods while he walks off to get breakfast. After a minute he comes to sit next to johnny. "Did you also sleep well Soap?" Ghost says as he pushes his mask up and starts to eat. "I did. Do you know why we have a meeting in two hours?". "A transfer from Kortac wil join us for a while." Ghost says. "A transfer?" Johnny eyebrow goes up. "Long time we got one of those" he finishes his breakfast and gets up. "See you in the gym Ghost?". Ghost nods in agreement. Johnny walks to the kitchen to put away his plate. After that he goes to the gym.

He warms up, then he grabs two fifty pound dumbbells to start his exercise. Ten minutes in Ghost joins him. After one hour of exercise Johnny goes to the showers. He puts on some clean clothes and spent some time watching tv in the Lounge. One hour later he walks to the briefing room where he sees Alejandro talking to a massive hooded guy next to him. He seems to be around six feet tall and very muscular. When he walks in he greets the two and sits down waiting for the other's. As the other men begin to walk in and sit down Alejandro gets up to start the briefing. "Amigos, from today we are having a transfer from Kortac joining us for a few months" he pats on the big guys shoulder next to him so he can introduce himself to the rest. "Hallo I'm König, im looking forward to work zugether" "From now one he wil join team Alpha and will stay with us for these couple of months." Alejandro looks at his team "Hermanos, I hope you guys can make König feel at home here and show him around the base and our barracks." Johnny nods "can do sir." After a few more minutes introducing everyone the briefing ended and they are dismissed. Johnny walks up to König "Wanna look around the base?" König nods as he touches his hood. "Let's go then." They walk out the door.

They walk to their barracks after showing König around the base. "Did you put your gear in your room yet?" Johnny asked. König nods and walks inside straight to his room. *Okay, bye then* Johnny thinks to himself shaking his head. He walks into the Lounge finding Alejandro and Rudy snuggling on the couch. It has already been five years since they were married, so this was a normal sight. "Ey Ale what's up with the new guy?". Alejandro looks at him with an eyebrow raised "Did something happen Amigo?" "After our tour of the base he just walked of saying nothing" "Ah yes, he has social anxiety. I've wanted to tell you guys in private so the new recruits wouldn't hear. He's probably just exhausted from meeting new people." Alejandro shrugs. "Okay then, good to know" Johnny says, feeling sorry for the big guy. He walks up the stairs to König's room "Are u doing alright mate?" He asked as he knocked on his door. "Ja I'm fine, zu may come in if zu want". Johnny opened the door and he saw König sitting on his bed. He was still wearing his hood and it didn't look like he was going to pull it off anytime soon. "Ich bin just exhausted from today, that's all. No need to worry" he patted on his bed next to him "zu can zit down if zu want." Johnny nods and walks over to sit down. "Ale told me u had anxiety. Is it very bad?" "Nein it's not that bad I have meds to keep it at bay. Ich just need to be alone from time to time." Johnny nodded "I can understand that mate. If there is anything bothering you at anytime you can tell me okay?". "That's very nice of zu I appreciate it thanks" It was visible from his eyes that he was smiling at Johnny. "So, big guy, what do you like to do for fun in your free time?". König starts to excitedly talk about books and shows him some he took with him to the base. They have a long conversation about their Hobby's until Rudy yells to get down for dinner. "Shit it's this late already, come, lets go to get some food big guy" König nods and they get down to the lounge and they both got a plate of food and sat down. The rest of team already sitting down waiting for them. "Let's eat amigos" Alejandro says as he begins to eat and the rest follows. "Hmmm good cooking querido" Alejandro said to Rudy. "De nada querido" says Rudy back both of them looking at eachother lovingly. König puts his hood up just enough so he can eat. Johnny can't help to look at him seeing the scar across his lips, a chunk of his upper lips missing. Johnny wonders what has happened as he also started to eat.

After they were done eating they cleaned up and everyone except Ghost and Johnny went to their room. Ghost and Johnny watched tv in the couch. Johnny turned to Ghost "did you see his lips he got a whole chunk missing. I wonder what happened, don't you?". Ghost looked up from the screen "Not really any of my business" he shrugged and his eyes went back to the screen again. "Really, you're not interested?" "If u want to know so badly why don't u go ask him?" "Maybe I will do that tomorrow, it's time to go to bed right now" Johnny got up "Night LT." He walked up to his room hearing Ghost saying night back. He got dressed in his pajama pants and lies down in bed falling asleep almost immediately.

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