Chapter 3: Friend or lover?

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They drunkenly kissed for five minutes. After that König took Johnny's face in his hands staring into his eyes. "Are zu okay? Isn't this the first time zu kissed a man?". Johnny nodded "I'm fine I didn't mind it." König pulled him closer to his chest and squeezed tight "I'm happy to hear that." Johnny just let the big guy hold him, snuggling his head in his neck. *I could get used to this* he thought for a moment a little shocked but fine with the thought. After some time he fell asleep in König's arms. 

He woke up feeling König's arms around him he was surprised to see even Ghost still laying in his bed this time next to him. *He stayed, were we this drunk last night?* as he thought that a headache grew and announced itself.  He got up quickly half jumping over Ghost to sprint to the toilet. Once he was in front of the toilet he barfed everything from the night before up into the toilet. It really wasn't a pretty sight. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder next to him "Are you okay mate?" he heard Ghost say. He replied "I'm fine, I'm totally..." he couldn't even finish his own sentence without barfing again. Ghost picked up a glass from the sink (the one Johnny always uses when he's thirsty at night and doesn't want to go down to get a drink) and fill up the glass with water. "You really should drink something it will help keep the rest in side" "Thanks" Johnny picks up the glass after he flushed the toilet taking little sips trying not to barf again. "Oh mein gott are you okay Johnny? Here, I have some painkillers zhey also should help against nausea" König walks up to him and hands him to pain killers. Johnny takes them both at the same time almost choking on them in the process. "Easy MacTavish, don't you choke now" Ghost says whilst patting his back. "How are you guys not affected by the alcohol aftermath" Johnny says waiting for the meds to kick in. "Experience. It'll get less worse after you drink for a while trust me." Ghost says a smile under his mask. suddenly all what happened yesterday comes back to Johnny and he gets bright red. "Are zu okay?" König says worried and kneels down to touch his face. Johnny hides his face away from him. "Do you remember what happened last night?'' he says, hoping König forgot. "Yes I do. You didn't like it , I'm zo sorry I should have asked. but you looked like zu wanted it too" König started to ramble starting to panic a bit, Ghost only looking in confusion. "No it's... it's fine I suppose it's  just this is the first time I've had those feelings for another man. Especially so deeply, I really liked it though, I just want to know if its  genuine or just for fun." Johnny said quickly. "Zu mean zu want us to be dating?" König asked with a twinkle in his eyes also flustered. At this point Ghost is still confused, trying to connect the dots. "If.... if you want to I'm up for it I guess" Johnny looked up at König, not sure if it was the right thing to say, scared of König's reaction towards him. "I would like zat it's really zudden but I don't mind. If I'm honest I already had an eye on zu the first time we met" König takes Johnny's face in his hands.

Ghost finally connects the dots. "Did you guys kiss? Last night? When?" "Zu were dead asleep no needs to worry" König says with a chuckle. "You ready to get up? I can make zu breakfast if zu wants" König offers his hand to Johnny which he accepts. "That would be nice but I don't know if I can keep everything in." He says after getting up. "You really should eat, MacTavish. even if it comes back out" Ghost says. They all get spooked when they hear a knock on the door. "Hermanos, you guys okay in there? We had a wild night." Alejandro says with a smirk. "Yeah come in" Ale gets in and sees the guys all around Johnny who's eyes are still red from  barfing. "You don't look good hermano, well I'm happy to say we are free today, so get a good rest and try to eat something okay?" Ale says with a worried look. "I will zake care of him colonel." König says as he pats Johnny on the head. "Good. Well, have a nice day hermanos" Ale turns around and walks away. "I will go and hit the showers before anyone else can" Ghost says as he walks out the door. "I should get downstairs so I can make zu some breakfast."

Before König left he said to Johnny that he should go and lay back he would bring him his breakfast. Johnny was very grateful for him, but he also didn't expect him to take care for him. Johnny sat back onto his bed again his head resting on the wall. *We are really dating right now? König has really been into me since the beginning? Will he actually love me?* he kept asking himself these questions until he heard a knock on the door, causing him to snap out of it. It was König who pushed open the door with his arm, his hands full with a tray of breakfast. "Here you go, I made zu an omelet and a coffee. I hope it tastes good." Johnny took the tray onto his lap. "Thanks big guy. It will probably taste great." It really did taste great. After the first bite he just couldn't stop eating and scarfed it all down like a hungry wolf pup. "Zu really should be drinking something" König said after all off it was gone. Johnny nodded and drank some coffee. "That was great mate, best breakfast I had in a while don't tell Rudy" they both chuckled. "König may I ask u something?" Johnny asked in a serious tone. "Sure go ahead" König nodded. "Did you mean it? When you asked about dating me? do you really like me?" König looked surprised at the words the Scottish man just said. "Ja of course why would I lie about zat?" Johnny just shrugged looking away slightly ashamed. "Don't zu want to date me? If so zu can tell me, no pressure I get it. After all its very zudden." "No I do want to date you I'm just worried you won't like me." Johnny just stared at the floor face blushing. "Zat is what dating is for getting to know if the one zu fell for really ist ze one for zu." König took Johnny's face in his hand looking lovingly into his eyes. "Does zu wanna try?" Johnny nodded and leaned closer to König who wrapped his arms around him keeping him close "I really would like that König."

They sat there for a while just taking in the moment of silence and peace. König stroking Johnny's hair one arm around him keeping him close. Johnny's face buried in König's neck eyes closed and in peace. *This is nice I would like this to last for ever.* Just as he thought that König tapped his shoulder. "I need zo zake a shower, I will be back soon okay?" Johnny looked a little bit sad but scooted over so König could leave and take a shower. After König left he laid down in bed getting his journal and pencil and started drawing König's face from his memory from the showers that one day. He hummed happily when he draws him, his red hair lushes around his face. He even drew his scars. He really didn't mind them, he thought it looked good somehow. The rest of König's face was very wel kept. He probably used some products to keep his skin so pretty, Johnny thought. He blushed as he started to draw König's body, his face blushing even more with every detail he added. He was so focused he didn't even hear König coming back in after he knocked at least 3 times. "So zu are an artist? Zu can draw pretty good." Johnny looked up in shock he didn't expect König leaning over his shoulder looking at the drawing. He closed his sketch book very fast before König could see even more. "I.. I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself" He said to König, his face red. König laughed as he said "Why are zu sorry? It's impressive really" he sat down next to Johnny "Don't worry mein kleiner zu did nothing wrong" Johnny  blushed when he heard the nickname. He sat closer to König, his face buried once again in his shoulder. They  just sat there as Johnny tried to form a response in his head. He couldn't think with König so close by. His heart started to pound as König played with his hair. He sat up looking the Austrian in his eyes, beautiful ice blue eyes. He could simply drown in them. They leaned in closer and gave each other sloppy kisses. He simply loved it and he absolutely loved the man.  

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