Scнool Slαyer

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Caroline enters the school and is amazed by it's modernity. 

She decides to head, unsure, towards the stairs. This school has 4 floors like any other has, however something different about this elite educational institution is that it has escalators instead of stairs.

Yeah that's right, this school is so massive that it could be a mall at the same time.

Zielstrebig Caro goes up the escalator to the first floor. There she walks around the hallls looking for room 143.

Sadly she gets lost as she decides to stop by the bathroom and notices a vending machine next to it. 

Our homegirl kneels down and searches for small change in her backpack to buy some tetoboki. 

Suddenly a hand reaches over her head and presses some buttons until a snack falls out.

"Hey, can you get that for me?", asks the person.

Intrigued by this Caro tilts her head upwards and meets her eyes with a guy slightly bending over her.


Caroline quickly gets back on her feet causing her head to hit the guys jaw which made him bite his tongue. 

Caro yelps and quickly puts her hands on her head while the dude just says something sharp.

Caroline finally builds up the courage to apologize and quickly takes out the snack and pushes it into the guys' chest and flitzes away.

Taking the nearest turn, she takes cover behind a corner and sighs deeply.

'Aegh this was so awkward right now and I have no one to tell!!' Caroline thinks in despair.

Suddenly a light bulb lights up above her head. Right she still has her channel, but it's not time to think about content creation now. She has to get to her class.

Looking around the halls she notices her classroom and enters it. Of course she isn't late and neither does anyone look at her as if she's some alien. 

She does notice somebody waving at her. It's the class president. She walks up to her and recieves a warm greeting.

Class Pres. : "Nice to meet you! My name is Rachél, I'm the class president. Your seat is right behind me and if you have any other questions just ask me! If you want to we can spend lunch together:"

Rachél has a big smile and is really pretty aswell. She seems like the perfect person to befriend.

Caro: "Thankyou, sure I'll join."

Caro takes a seat behind the prez and takes out her pens and notes. Sitting down she looks around the classroom, seeing everyone chatting before class starts. 

One thing Caroline notices, is that the guy from earlier is not in her class. At least he isn't in the core subjects of her class. Luckily.

The teacher walks in and enccourages Caro to introduce herself, after that they play a fun and short game to get to know the others better. Of course studying can't wait so they get right back to it with some self-studying. Then Korean follows up.

When the ring bells it's time for lunch. Eagerly Caro stands up and follows Rachél to the canteen. 

Bonus: Rachél

Bonus: Rachél

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