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author pov (second person): 

you glanced up from your textbook to check the time.

your digital clock read 1.02 am. you didn't seem too bothered about the fact that you were up so late the night before your first day at a new highschool. you had always been an insomniac.

'thats enough studying for now im bored'

you spent all week reading ahead so that you wouldnt look stupid on your first day

you spent the week before that researching hyogo to make sure you fit right in.


A text from hana.

She was your best friend since first grade. Until she moved to hyogo.

Now youre here too.

You had kinda ghosted her after she left. Replying very briefly if she ever texted.

Keeping touch was not your strong suit.

You decided to open it next morning. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.


a/n: Hey guys so this is my first fanfic ever. im trying kinda a complicated story with a bunch of drama and stuff. but the romance is gonna be good i swear 😌. anyway hope u like y/n so far! suna will appear soon dw ;)

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