Chapter 18: The Test

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Patrick was walking on air when he stepped onto the backlot. His Christmas was both torturing and refreshing. He felt rested but he was eager to see her. There was so much to be said. She had lived rent free in his mind over the last few weeks. His body still pulsing from her touch. Had he consumed her the way she had consumed him? 

He turned the corner and saw her trailer looked dark. She must have already gone to set. Maybe he misread her call time. With a sigh he padded up the stairs to his trailer and opened the door, "Jesus," he jumped when he saw her sitting on the couch. "You scared me," he laughed.

She smiled but didn't laugh, "sorry." He crossed the room to greet her with a hug. "Patrick," she sighed dodging him a little, "You should sit down."

"Ok," he said hesitantly, "You're really scaring me now." Shifting his weight from foot to foot he made a decision to keep standing. 

The sunlight spilled through the blinds across her face."I'm late," Her words fragile.

He checked his watch, "It's not even 7," clearly oblivious to her meaning.

"I'm late late," the specification pained her.

"Oh," he said catching up, "Oh," the seriousness setting in. His legs feeling a little weak, he steadied himself on the chair and then sat down. "Did you take a test," he asked softly.

"I didn't," she said quietly, "I was waiting for you," She gestured to a drugstore bag on the counter. Ellen suddenly felt stupid, "I should have just taken one."

"No," his voice terrified but kind, "I'm glad you waited." Patrick stood to pace again,  "How late?"

"A couple weeks," She sipped water and nodded. "This doesn't typically happen to me," Ellen admitted nervously, "And..."

"And..?" he sat next to her and encouraged her to continue, "I haven't slept with Chris since before..."

"Ok..." Patrick touched her arm. It was his job to be the strong one. "You should definitely take a test," Patrick said sincerely. He studied the fear on her face, "I'm sorry," he paused, "I should have been more careful."

"Please," Ellen rolled her eyes. She hated when someone made her feel like a victim, "It was my decision too, careful was the last thing we were thinking about." She stood to get the test. It all felt very real as she held the test in her hands, "Wow," an exhale left her lips, "talk about a fucking cliché."

"Come on," he said gently nudging her towards his bathroom, "Just get it over with."

She closed the door and he let his guard down. His hands trembled, he leaned against the wall for support. Patrick nervously ran his hands through his hair.

He wouldn't pretend that he didn't care about Ellen. In a different life, at a different time, he would have been thrilled for her to have his babies. However, now, a baby would destroy everything he had built. His marriage, or what was left of it would crumble. The time spent with his daughter would be diminished. The show that was in the process of resurrecting his career would certainly be a casualty of their scandal. It would be the end of everything he knew.

But he would be lying if he didn't admit there was a tiny part of him that wondered. Wondered if what they would gain would be far greater than what they would lose.

She came out of the bathroom, "I can't watch it for five whole minutes. Set a timer or something..."

"Ok," he did as she said.

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