Chapter 25: Choose Me

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"El," Patrick was surprised by her presence in his trailer, "What are you doing here?"

She shrugged and then, "Chris and I had a fight," she began, "I just couldn't be home."

"So you came to work on your day off," he tilted his head empathetically.

They had been back to work for a few weeks. Ellen liked to pretend that the news of Jillian's pregnancy had changed everything for her but it hadn't. Here she was, at work, on her day off, looking for Patrick to make her feel better. Make her feel wanted.

"Patrick!" a crew member knocked on the door, "Camera's up in five."

"Ok," he shouted back and glanced to Ellen, "This is my last scene for the day... If you want to wait." Patrick pulled her in for a hug. Their hugs lingered far too long for a platonic work friendship. They both knew that, yet they both pretended it was an acceptable middle ground. Though he often followed it with, "God, you smell good." He let his hands drift too far down her back when he parted from her. He looked her in the eyes as he left. Another moment of longing passed between them, "Stay. I'll be an hour at most."

A month ago, Patrick would have said the fact that he had an unquenchable craving for Ellen was the reason he would have titled this chapter 'the affair." Now, he would title it that for a very different reason.

Jillian's pregnancy had brought their sexual relationship to a screeching halt. But in the absence of sex, they found an intimacy like never before. They spent nearly every waking moment together. Intertwined so deeply that they seemed to finish each other's sentences. Physical contact suddenly felt more acceptable because they weren't sleeping together. So, they never stopped touching.

It was such an intentional, difficult, decision to stop making love to her that he justified everything else. He gave in to calling her when he felt like it, to asking her to stay late to hang out, gushing over her in every interview he did.

He walked back into his trailer and was surprised to find that she was still there. "Hi," she smiled sitting up on his couch.

"Hi," he leaned in the doorway. "Longer than I expected."

"Imagine that," she smiled. "I ordered food."

Patrick laughed looking around at her collection of take out, "I see that." He paused admiring her comfort for a minute. "Did you save anything for me?"

"Did I save you some," Ellen huffed at him and pulled the whole bag she had set aside for him.

Patrick took a seat next to her on his leather couch. She tucked her feet under his leg and laughed at his struggle to use chopsticks. His chest felt warm, a smile pulled at his lips. They had been naked on this very couch numerous times, but he had never felt closer to her.

"You going to tell me about the fight..." Patrick pried softly as he set his empty sushi dish on the the end table.

"Your going to think I'm a hypocrite," Ellen confessed.

"Is he cheating," Patrick puffed up as if he was prepared to fight him.

"No, he's just going out to the club so much," she tossed her hands up, "I just thought at this point in the relationship we or he would be over that."

"We're not 25 anymore," Patrick agreed.

"Exactly." Ellen studied his face. " Tell me something about Jill," she waved him on quickly as if to say hurry.

"What why?"

"Because I need something to help keep me from taking your clothes off."

Patrick cleared his throat, "Ah."  He ran his hand up her leg. He wouldn't pretend he wasn't feeling the same way.

The Endजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें