Seeing Bill Again

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You were driving on the open roads of Oklahoma, windows down, breeze flowing through your hair.(sorry for anyone who doesn't have any, just imagine)

Jo, a friend you met through your best friend Bill asked you to be part of her team after learning about your specialty in storm chasing, you were known as the #1 best storm chaser in your state.

You pulled onto the dirt road and parked your truck, turning it off you get out to see Dusty running up to greet you with a hug to which you happily return.
Dusty was basically your shadow, following you wherever, whenever, he was a giant puppy for the most part and you couldn't complain, not when you had a giant crush on him, but he didn't know that.

"Nice to see you again y/n," Jo smiles as she walks up to you, "you too, thank you for inviting me out here," you shake her held out hand.
"You seen Bill yet?" She asked, you scowled at her showing your clear displeasure at hearing his name.
You loved Bill like a big brother but he had made a bitch move, meeting a woman and then running off to get married, you and Bill had known each other since middle school, glued to the hip.
"I'll take that as a no then," Jo chuckles, you sigh but shake your head no, "nope, and I hope to keep it that way." You say.

"Well don't look now but he's here." Jo says then walks off to go finish her work, "WHAT." You yell and turn around so fast your surprised you didn't pull a muscle in your neck.
You glare at your 'best friend' getting out of his new red truck, "IT THE EXTREME!" Dusty yells excitedly.
I scoff and walk to my truck getting my equipment out to do some work, "well well well, do my eyes deceive me or is that y/n?" I hear that annoying voice behind my back.
I turn to see Bill with his signature smile, and a woman holding his hand.
"No it's the goddamn tooth fairy." I sarcastically say rolling my eyes, turning back to my computer on the hood of my truck.
"Really? Your still mad after all that's happened?" Bill said, you had to take a breath so you didn't blow up in his face.

"Can I talk with you? Alone." You glared at him, he nodded, "Dusty why don't you take Melissa and explain to her...why you are the way you are?" Bill smiles, Dusty does a weird but funny dance then laughs taking her to his outdoor porch.

"Why are you acting like this?" Bill breaks the silence, "why did you not tell me about your getting married! You tell me everything!" You throw your arms in the air dramatically.
"I got caught up with Melissa, I'm sorry." He said with an apologetic look.
"Is that the chick with Dusty right now?" You asked pointing to where they were, Bill nods.
"I'm still mad that you didn't tell me but I'm glad your here telling me now, so I guess I'll let this one slide, but if something happens I would like to know so I can help!" You explain.
"I will, I promise this time." Bill smiles holding arms open, you happy hug him with a smile.
"I've missed you Billy." You smile up at him, he smiled down at you, giving your forehead a kiss, it was platonic affection between you two, like siblings.

"Come on, I'll introduce you." He takes your hand, leading you over to his wife.
"Melissa, I want you to meet y/n, my best friend and practically my sibling." Bill says wrapping his arm around your shoulder.

"It's nice to meet you Melissa." You held out your hand for her to shake to which she hesitated to do.
"Likewise, you must be the y/n Bill has ranted in about on the drive here, he told me you two have been attached to each other's hip since your middle school days." She smiled.
"You told her about me?" You looked up at Bill with a surprised expression across your face, an embarrassed look shot across his face.
"Well you are very interesting to talk about." He said with a smug look.

A few minutes passed and I heard Jo talking to Bill, I look to see Jo pulling a blanket off of her truck to reveal a machine in the back.
"Is that Dorothy?" I ask walking up.
"Yep." Jo smiles proudly showing it off.
"Wow it is great...what is it?" Melissa asked who walked up with Dusty next to her.
"It's instrument pack for studying tornadoes, first one in history." Bill explains.
"It's very exciting, scientists have been studying tornadoes forever but still nobody knows how a tornado works, we have no idea what's going on inside because nobody's ever been able to take scientific measurements from inside the funnel, that's what she's gonna do." Jo explains, "how?" Melissa asks. "We put her up inside a tornado, she opens, revealing hundreds of these censors that measures all parts of the tornado simultaneously," Jo says, giving a sensor to show Melissa who looks then hands it back still confused.
"You see Melissa, it's like this, these sensors go up the funnel and radio back information about the internal structure, wind velocities, flow asymmetries, we could learn more in 30 seconds than in the past 30 years, it's gonna profile the tornado for the first time." Bill explains
"And what will that do?" Melissa asked.
"If we knew how a tornado really worked, we could design an advanced warning system." Bill says.
"Aren't there already tornado warnings?" Melissa asked again.
"Bill was about to say something but Jo interrupted, "it's not good enough, it's no where near good enough, right now, it's 3 minutes, if we can get this information out we can increase warning time to 15 minutes." Jo explains.
"Give people a chance to get to safety." Bill adds.
"Protect themselves and their loved ones." You add too.

"I can't believe you actually did it." Bill smiles at Jo who both gets on the tailgate of the truck.
"Well we did it." Jo laughs looking around at her crew who also smile.
"How do you get in the tornado?" Melissa asks.
"Well you gotta get in front of the damage path then get out again before it picks up too." Bill chuckles.
"It's the suck zone." Dusty whispers into Melissa's ear.
"DUSTY!" You say with a smile, everyone laughs at your remark.
"Jo we've got major action! The NSSL says the caps are breaking, towers going 30 miles up the dry line!" Haynes says.

Jo looks to Bill, he gives a small nod.
"Alright let's go!" Jo says, you and the crew run off to grab and put away equipment.
"LETS MOVE IT!" One of the boys yell.
"ITS FATTY TIME!" You heard Beltzer yell.

"Hey Bill, YOUR FLY IS DOWN!" You yell, Bill looks to his fly and it's not down, he shoots you the middle finger but with a smile.
"HAHA! MADE YA LOOK SUCKER!" You laugh driving behind Beltzer in your black pickup truck.

On the radio, Jo pages in. "Hey there you change your mind?" Jo says the radio going quiet till Bill chimes in. "Yeah what's Jonas doing here?" Bill says.

You look in your mirror to see a familiar black truck hauling ass past Bills red truck.
Jonas shoots you a dirty look as he drives by, you shoot him the middle finger with a glare.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" You said into the radio, clear annoyance in your voice.
"I'm not sure, but I'm sure he's asking himself the question about you." Jo responds back.

A/N: WOW over 1000+ words.
I absolutely loved writing this.
I do not own the picture btw.

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