F5 Tornado

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A/N: I'm so so sorry this so long to get out, and that I promised to have it out a long time ago.
But life got in the way, I'm a college student now so I'm tired more often and have less motivation.
But now I can say this is finally completed!!


{Music drums loud and fast as Camera goes into aerial view of Jo's crew skimming across a bridge in front of an Oklahoma sunrise. Camera then goes to half the crew in the back of Beltzer's van, cutting pin-wheel fans out of aluminum cans and screwing them onto the sensors. Camera then goes to the outside. Cars going the other direction honk their horns as an F5 twister spins in the distance.}

Jo Asks, "Dusty, you ready for us?"

"Yeah, yeah, we're good!"{Affirming with everyone else in the van} "We're good? We're good? Very good!!" Dusty smiles at the crew.

{All three vehicles drive over}

"Let's go, come on!!!" Bill says.

{They stop the caravan on the highway.}

"We get 'em done?" Jo asks.

"I think so." Bill responds back.

{Haynes, Beltzer, Rabbit, and everyone else pulls out boxes of sensors, now with the fans attached. Box, after box, they dump them back into Dorothy 3 and Dorothy 4.}

"Beautiful!" Dusty comments.

"I love the smell of tornadoes in the morning." You smile making everyone laugh.

{Closes the lids on the Dorothys.} "Okay, okay!" Bill says.

"Great job, guys, just be ready to report. Be careful, all right?" Bill pats Beltzer and Rabbit on the shoulder.

"Don't follow us close." Jo says.

"All right, you got it, boss." Joey nods.

"Okay!" Rabbit answers.

"We're back in business!" Joey smiles

"Wait! I'm coming with you." You say to Bill, "it's too dangerous." He says but you stop him by pulling on his shirt.
"Bill you and I both know I don't take no for an answer when it comes to tornadoes, I'm coming so stop being a sissy about it." You climb in the back ready to go.
Bill just shrugs then gets in.

{They all hop back into their trucks. Music triumphant and hopeful.}

"Come on, let's go!" Dusty says.

{Camera on Jo and Bill}

"Half a mile more?" Jo asks.
"Yeah" you nod.

"That's sounds right. I figure we'll put it right in the middle of the road." Bill says.

"Unless you think somebody'll hit it." Jo looks to Bill.

"Nobody'll be there." Bill says looking back.

{The F5 tornado approaches the road that You, Jo and Bill are on. The roar of the tornado is deafening. Bill stops the car, You, Jo and Bill get out. The tornado is on the road, directly in front of them. Bill goes around and he and Jo take Dorothy # 3 out of the back of the truck.}

"Hurry! Let's go, common'!!!" Bill says to us.

{It's sirens are on, they put it out in the road for the tornado to take.}

"Okay, that's good!" Bill says finishing getting Dorothy ready.

"You got it?" Jo asks.

"Let's go!" Bill says.
"We're good!" You say.

{They get back in the truck, Jo grabs the CB radio}

{Into radio} "Dusty, you in position?" Jo asks.

{Over radio} "Yeah, we're prime, ready for contact!" Dusty answers back.

Twister - Dusty x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon