First Tornado

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Your POV

I sat on the tailgate of my truck with my computer on my lap, I was seeing what storms were closest to go after but the reception was shitty.

I groaned putting away my computer and going to join the crew surrounding Rabbits car.
"Hey, you okay?" Dusty asked me, "yeah, I just don't know why of all the people we had to run into it had to be Jonas Miller." I say.
"Hey if he gets on your nerves we'll deal with him." Dusty smiles putting a hand on my shoulder.
"Thanks." I smile.

"Bill! Bill don't!" Jo yells to Bill who I saw walking angrily towards Jonas, Bill took Jonas by the shirt saying something nasty to him before Bill had to be pried off by Jo's crew.
"OKAY!" Bill angrily shrugged off everyone.
"I'm sorry I should've told you." Jo said walking up to Bill, "one day, I'll give you one day, whether she flies or not I'm gone." Bill says.
"Bill, she didn't know, you can't blame her." I chime in. "Did you know?" He asked me.
"Bill, you of all people in my life would know that if I did, you'd be the first one to know. So in other words, no I did not." I said.

"I get it your angry, the feeling is mutual, but you have to forget about that bastard and focus on the task at hand, helping people get to safety by adding time." I explain.
That seemed to have gotten through because next thing I know my head rests on Bills chest.
"Thank you." He says.
"Your welcome." I smiled up at him.

While everyone else was inside eating and using the restroom, me and Bill stood outside watching the sky.
Bill bent down to pick up dirt, he let it flow out of his hand, he noticed it going a certain direction, he stood back up studying the sky again.
Dusty walked up on his right while I stood to his left.
"Hey man, what's up?" Dusty asked breathlessly.
"Goin' green." Bill stated.
"Greenage." Dusty said.
"Saddle em up." Bill said.
"You got it boss." Dusty ran off to go gather the crew up.
"Is it party time?" I asked with a smug smile.
"Party time indeed." Bill smuggly smiles back down at me.
I ran to my truck putting away my computer, everyone else got in their vehicles following Jo's truck.
I noticed Melissa drove the red truck by herself, Bill must've went with Jo, I thought.

"ITS THE WONDER OF NATURE BABY!" I heard Dusty yell from his bus, I laughed out loud loving his antics, "Party time has arrived my guy!" I say into the radio making the crew laugh.


Bill and Jo had an argument that I heard about Melissa and it irritated me. Melissa was good and all but I knew Bill still had feelings for Jo, it was painfully obvious.

"Hey you guys gonna wrap this up pretty soon?" Beltzer said into the radio, breaking the tension.
"What." Bill said into the radio frustration in his voice.
"Oh nothin. I was just wonderin' if we're gonna chase this tornado, or if you just wanna catch the next one." Beltzer responded back.

"Beltzer is it on the ground?" Jo asked.
"Yes!" I heard him respond from the radio.
"The national weather service just issued a tornado warning until 11:00." I said into the radio.
"Copy that." Haynes responded to me.

"Y/N, what's its path?" Beltzer asked.
"It's going about 15 mph, northeast." I said.
"Copy that."


We have to bear right. It's on an easterly course.
{Eddie sees tire tracks where Jo's crew turned the corner}
"Uh, Dr. Miller?" Eddie asked.
"Yes?" Jonas asked back.
"I think they turned left here." Eddie stated.
{Jonas sees marks}
"Do it." Jonas says.
{Jonas' crew turns left. Camera back with Jo and Bill}

Back with the crew...

"We're moving time intercept guys, get ready to set up." Jo says into the radio.
"You got it!" Beltzer responded.
"Tornado has changed its speed, it's going about 20 mph, still moving northeast." I said into the radio.
"Copy that." Jo answers back.

Me and the crew pull over a distance away to film the tornado.

"I cannot wait to show this to my mother!" I laughed, jumping up and down excitedly, Beltzer laughed at my excitement, "you good bro?" He asked me with a smile.
"Yeah, I do that sometimes when I'm really excited about something." I laugh nervously.

A few minutes later we saw Jo's truck starting to get picked up from the tornado, we all quickly gathered our things, getting into our vehicles and driving towards the tornado, a minute later I hear Melissa screaming.

"MELISSA?!" I yell in a panic, I got out of my truck and ran towards Melissa with Dusty close behind.
"are you okay?!" I asked, but Dusty pushed me aside.
"You just missed the truck! Awesome! IT'S AWESOME!!!" Dusty laughed, "DUSTIN! Back off, she's clearly scared outta her mind." I quickly grab him but the hood of his jacket.
"Bill, she just missed the truck!" He said but quickly shut up after I pulled him away.
Bill came running to comfort Melissa while we all went to check on Jo and her truck.

"You okay Jo? That seemed intense." I asked, she just smiled which led me to believe she was fine.
"Well, there's some good news. It did fly. What was it like?" Dusty asked Jo as she pulled stuff out of her truck.

"It was windy." Jo said bent over still grabbing stuff.

"Windy? That's intense-" Dusty started but Jo quickly made him move, "all right, move it Dusty."
All Dusty did was put his hands up, "that's intense, that's intense!" He laughed.

"Hey, the auto clubs here!" Joey said.

I turned to see Jonas's crew of cars coming slowly down the road, I just glared and held up both middle fingers the whole time.

"Fashionably late again, Jonas? Fashionably late! Gimmie kiss, baby!" I saw Dusty stuck his upper body in the car.
I heard Eddie yell, "Get outta here!"
"Why don't you find your own twister buddy!" Rabbit yelled.
"Loser! Move on!" Dusty said like he's directing traffic.
"Don't worry, I'll get 'em cleaned. Common' guys let's get Dorothy 2 ready!" Haynes said, I followed her to help, "what happened between you and Jonas?" Haynes asked me.
"Me and him were partners for a little over a year, suddenly Eddie came into the picture and Jonas kicked me to the curb. Eddie is a good guy, I'll admit that but Jonas is a total asshat." I said closing the door to Beltzers van.
"I'm sorry that must've sucked," Beltzer laid a hand on my shoulder comfortingly.

"Thanks B but it's in the past, he wants to be a show off then let him, because he doesn't have Dorothy." I smiled patting the van holding Dorothy 2.

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