Third Tornado

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"Okay, Rabbit, time to impress me!" Bill says.

{Into Radio} "Okay, about a mile up there's a little detour we're gonna take, a little walk in the woods!" Rabbit answers back.

{They turn onto a winding dirt road, through a thicket. Guitar fades into music ("Humans Being"), a fast paced rock song.}

{As Jo's driving over a bump, Into radio} "Hey, it's bumpy here, folks!" {To Jo} "Okay, let's get you wired." {He puts a wireless mic. headset on her, clipping the receiver on her shorts.} "Oh, excuse me,{ He's so close, Jo's enjoying every moment of it.}Okay, you're on!"

{Camera to Haynes and Beltzer as their truck soars over the bumps in the road.}

"WHOOOOOHOOO!!!!" Haynes yells.

When you hit the bump, "YEAH AHAHA! THIS IS SO AWESOME!!" You yell.

{Camera on Beltzer}

{Into radio} "See, kids? An ordinary person spends his life avoiding tense situations!"

{Camera on Dusty}

{Into Radio} "Repo man spends his life getting in to tense situations, BELTZER!!!!!!!WOOO!!"

"Dude, everyone who chases wants in on the tense situations!" You laugh into the radio.

{Camera on Bill and Jo}

"Okay, Rabbit, what have you got?" Bill asks.

{Camera over to Rabbit}

"Okay, Bill, turn left here toward that farm." Rabbit says.

"You sure about that?" Bill asks.

"Uh, yeah. Trust me. Rabbit is good, Rabbit is wise."

"Oh fucking aye dude. If you ain't sure just say so, I swear to god." You say into the radio.

{Camera on Jo and Bill, both rolling eyes}

"Mother of God..." Jo says.

"Jesus Christ....{Skeptical} This is a field, Rabbit!" Bill says.

{Over radio} "I know, keep going, beyond it, right through that brush! You see that brush right in front of you....."

"Yeah, we see the brush, what's beyond that?" Bill asks.

{Camera over to Rabbit}

"Beyond what?" Rabbit asks like an idiot.

{Camera over to Bill and Jo}

"Beyond what?!!" Jo yells.

{Frustrated} "The BRUSH!! A brick wall, a bearded lady, what?"

"Rabbit get your shit together before I make you!!" You say into the radio.

"Oh, um, it's the highway, it's the highway!!" Rabbit says.

{Camera shows they are still driving through a corn field. Camera on Jo.}

"At least it's somewhat of a good answer." You groan into the radio.

{Jo throws her sunglasses on the dashboard frustrated, picks up CB mic.} "Where's the road Rabbit?!"

{Camera to Rabbit and Sanders}

"Yeah, where's the road, man?" Sanders asks.

"It should be any moment-" Rabbit starts but got cut off by the sound of a horn blaring, and you yelling,


{Suddenly, the caravan of cars spew right onto the highway, loud honking, just as Jonas' group passes by!!}

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