Chapter 1

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You had been an agent for a little under a year, so when you entered the office of your superior on a typical Tuesday morning, you hadn't expected much. Your usual missions consisted of small scale issues: get information about under the table drug dealings between congressmen, or eliminating the occasional loose end. You were good at your job, but you were still learning. To be honest, you would probably be higher up in the ranks already if it weren't for your slight issue with authority.    

    You were a bit of a loose canon for your age and rank, not taking kindly to mindless orders. Now, this had definitely resulted in getting your ass handed to you on many occasions, but it's just who you were. You had improved significantly under your current superior. For one, she was a woman, and two, she talked to you as if you were on her level. Was this just a strategy to deal with your aversion to being talked down to? Oh most definitely. But, you had quickly grown to respect her.

Walking into Agent Cowl's office, you plopped down in the chair behind her desk, tapping your nails on the wood quietly. It took a moment for Cowl to acknowledge you, as she was nose first in what you could only guess was an important email. Finally looking up at you, a forced smile appeared on her face. You didn't like that.

    "Morning, Agent. I hope you are well,"

You replied simply, "As well as I can be ma'am."

Deciding to cut straight to the point, Cowl spoke quickly and clearly," You have a new mission–"

    "Okay, great. What is it this time? Congressman? Shady–"

    "Stop talking."

You closed your mouth abruptly. What had crawled up her ass and died this early in the morning?

    "Listen, Agent, I'm going to put it to you straight. You are not going to like what I am about to tell you, but I really don't have the time to listen to you wail about it, I have enough people breathing down my neck about you already."

Sitting up straighter, you listened in to what Cowl was saying.

    "Your next mission is going to be with a partner."

You greatly preferred working alone, but this couldn't be too bad, truly.

    "You will be working to gain intel on an agency that is rumored to be in the process of producing a deadly virus."

That sounded very interesting. And big. Bigger than anything you had been put on before.

    "You and Agent Kennedy will be doing this mission together."

Kennedy.... Kennedy. Where did you know that name?

    "Now, as I'm sure you know by now, Agent Leon Kennedy is a senior agent."

Oh fuck. That's how you know him.

    "He will be in charge and calling the shots as your superior. Please do not cause him any problems. I've stuck my neck out for you because I know you two could work well together if you just set aside your aversion towards, well you know I'm sure."

All excitement for this mission shriveled up and flaked away. Not only were you the rookie on this mission, but THE Leon Kennedy would be giving you orders? This guy was pretty famous. He was extraordinary at what he did; he would have to be for how quickly he climbed the ranks. But he was known to be a bit... well, stern to put it lightly. You were fucked.

Cowl pulled you out of your thoughts by speaking again, "If I find out you let your personal issues interfere with this mission, there will be consequences. And not just for you; I could very well lose my job. So don't fuck this up. Swallow your pride and get it done. Understood?"

    "Yes, Agent Cowl."

    "Good, now I would advise you to be in conference room B by noon; you are to meet with Agent Kennedy to go over pre mission planning."

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