Chapter 3

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You hadn't been in the car with Leon for more than five minutes before all hell broke loose. First, he had tried to open the door for you, but in doing so smacked you in the face with it. You still think he did it on purpose. Then, you spent approximately 10 minutes arguing over what music to listen to. This ended in the two of you sitting in silence; the only sounds were both of your disgruntled breaths and the slight rain that patterned outside the vehicle. You hadn't expected things to start off poorly that night, really. You had told yourself you were going to try and listen. Not just for yourself, but for Cowl. You had done some digging the previous night and discovered how hard she had worked to get you on this case. So you went into the agency with semi high spirits. That was until Leon and you began to gather your weapons and other supplies. Both of you reached for a shiny new magnum with the title "Broken Butterfly" which sounded sick. You had grabbed the gun at the same time, both tugging it towards yourselves. After a small, mostly safe, battle over the weapon, Leon pulled the senior agent card, and the rest was history. The gun now holstered behind Matilda on his waist. Bastard. It was then you knew this was going to be a shit show.

Now, you two sat in silence for the remainder of the drive. Leon finally spoke only to tell you there was only about 10 minutes left to the lab. He gave you the rundown of the area, which you fully tuned out, given that you both had a map. Did he think you were stupid?

It only took about 45 seconds for him to realize you, in fact, were not listening to him. It was your name spoken irritably from his lips that pulled you out of your daze.

Looking toward him, you attempted to save your ass. "Yep. Totally got it. You know, you're super good at explanations. Have you ever considered tour guiding if this whole agent thing doesn't work out?"

What he did next, had you reeling.

He fully stopped the car, pulling it to the side of the road. At first, you were surprised he would risk being late, but quickly remembered he insisted the two of you leave early to give room for any... mishaps.

Propping your feet on his dash, you let out an over dramatic sigh, "Well that was a little dramatic don't you think?"

Upon his silence, you turned to him. He was looking at you with complete predatory intent. You felt small. Very very small; you weren't sure how you would be talking your way out of this one.

Laughing uncomfortably, you tried to cool the obvious heat of the situation.

"Okay, I wasn't listening. But, we both have maps! I was just thinking about–"

"Shut the fuck up."

"Woah there, calm down–"

"Did I fucking stutter, Agent?"

Your mouth clamped shut out of straight fear. Not fear of Leon, per say, but you could feel how angry he was.

You looked down into your lap, picking at your cuticles. You could feel him staring straight into you. Your entire being was being opened and laid bare under his gaze.

"Look at me when I speak to you."

With painful slowness, you pulled your eyes up to meet the Agent's.

"I am not playing games with you. We have a fucking job to do, and I am not going to sit here and let you blatantly disrespect me. You pull that shit in the field and I will let you die."

"What the fuck, dude. Just the other day you were going on about not letting an agent die."

He spoke straight venom. "If that agent doesn't care about her life enough to grow the fuck up and take orders then she isn't worth the effort."

"You're a real dick." Why the fuck did I just say that? You thought to yourself.

"What did you just call me?"

You didn't say a word.

"If you don't answer me, agent, so help me I'll–"

"You'll what?"

Leon licked his lips in an attempt to diffuse his anger.

"I'll find a better use for that filthy mouth of yours."

Your mouth went dry as your eyes shot back down to your lap. What did he just say? Surely he knows how that sounded?

"I'm still talking to you. Eyes on me."

As much as you didn't want to, you followed his order, eyes scaling up his frame and finally landing on his blue eyes.

"See? You can follow orders."

You still, couldn't speak, so you continued to stare at him, hoping your gaze translated into "fuck off you dick".

"You're so pretty when you're not running that mouth."

The words fell off his tongue so easily. Like it was as simple as breathing for him to talk to you in such a... degrading way. Without a conscious thought, your thighs squeezed together just slightly. Why did you like how he was speaking to you?

Noticing your body's movement, a glint of something you couldn't place flashed in Leon's eyes. Fuck. You had been caught.

"Oh. I see."

Your stupid mouth betrayed you yet again. "See what?"

"Oh, you're filthy," he whispered. "You like how I'm talking to you. Isn't that funny?"

"Shut up."

A smirk wormed its way to his lips. He leaned forward over the vehicle's console.

"Again with that mouth. What am I going to do with it?"

God damn you. Damn you into heaven and hell. "What do you want to do with it?"

You could physically see the switch in his mind. The decision he had so quickly made upon hearing your response to his insinuation. He closed the gap between you, but not with his mouth. His hand came forward latching onto the side of your neck, pulling you to him, your lips inches apart.

"I'm going to fix this attitude of yours."

Before the last syllable of the word left his lips you connected your mouth with his. He kissed you hungrily, no gentleness present, only raw lust and anger. Tongue met tongue and teeth hit teeth. Your arms went to wrap around his neck, but he pinned them to the console with his hand that wasn't on the side of your throat. You ached to touch him, dig your nails into his skin, but he was too strong. His hand that wasn't binding your hands traveled into your hair and he pulled down, hard. A whine left your lips as he drug his teeth down your throat, biting at the sensitive flesh then soothing the spot with his tongue. You were on fire. This was so wrong, you hated him for what he was doing to you, but you couldn't pull away. You wanted him in any way he would take you.

He finally released your hands, only so he could caress up your thigh, roaming dangerously close to exactly where you wanted him. Needed him. His lips found yours again, and in a desperate attempt to pull some control back you tugged on his bottom lip with your teeth. This earned a throaty growl from him. His hand that wasn't on your upper thigh traversed its way to the front of your neck, as he squeezed the sides only slightly restricting your airway. Your brain became fuzzy as you struggled to keep kissing him, but he was making you feel so good. His thumb was only an adjustment of your hips away from the apex of your thighs. You lifted your hips in an attempt to get his fingers to you, but his flattened palm held you down in your seat. He was playing with you, and you were getting increasingly frustrated by the second. You tried so hard to get him to touch you where you wanted, but he only laughed against your lips. He pulled back slightly where you were still sharing breath, but not kissing.

"I'm not touching you until you're a whaling, begging mess."

You whined against his lips.

"You run your mouth at me like that again and I'll have you regretting every word."

Once he finished the sentence, he pulled his body away from yours, the loss of warmth giving you goosebumps. He started the car, and pulled back onto the road, seemingly unbothered by what just occurred. You were a needy, sweaty mess and he looked like he had just fucking left church or something. This was going to be a long night.

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