Chapter 5

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You stood outside of the car for many minutes before working up the courage to get back in the car with Leon. When you had finally opened the door and hopped in, he was hanging up with your agency, looking very frustrated.

"What did they say?"

Exhaling a breath Leon gave you the shortened version of his conversation.

"So what I'm hearing is that it was a completely new vehicle that has never been at the lab at this time?"

"Pretty much," Leon replied.

"Well isn't that quite the coincidence."

"Tell me about it."

You shifted in your seat. "So what's the plan?"

"They have extra eyes on the area now, so they want us to continue the mission. If trouble shows up, they'll let us know to get out immediately."

You were tense. This wasn't part of the plan, and after what just happened, you were distracted. Sensing your unease, Leon touched your shoulder.

"It's going to be fine; the mission is still on; our roles don't change. Just listen to me."

"Right, you're our big decision maker."

He took his hand off of you as he exited the car. You followed suit.

Getting into the lab was easy; Leon had the keycard which granted him access to all areas. Or, so you thought. Thirty minutes of sliding doors, and searching cabinets and computers passed with little to show for it. The two of you hadn't found jack shit; not even suspicious emails. You hadn't expected them to cover themselves so well with the rumor existing at all. The laboratory was big, you knew it would take you longer than desired to search it fully.

While you were searching through an array of mostly empty drawers, you heard Leon swear. You went over to him quickly to see what the issue was.

"This keycard won't open this damn door," he gritted out.

You took it from him and tried the door yourself, seeing it, in fact, wouldn't open.

"Did you not trust my ability with the card agent?"

Smirking to yourself, you fired back, "A man can always use some help when it comes to doing things right."

"You think I've just gotten lucky with all the other doors I successfully opened?"

You walked up to him, tapping the card against his chest. "You never know."

Grabbing your wrist that held the keycard, Leon lowered his head down to you. "I think I can do things pretty aye okay, wouldn't you say, sweetheart?"

This earned a dramatic eye roll from you, causing him to grip your chin. "I didn't expect your attitude back so soon."

Looking him dead in his eyes you replied back with every ounce of flair you could, "Me neither... I guess you didn't fuck me hard enough."

Leon stepped away from you, taking the card along with him. He didn't want you to know that the mere mention of him pounding into you made his cock twitch. He wanted it again, wanted you again, but there was no time.

"Maybe there's another card lying around somewhere?"

"Oh yeah, and maybe there's a million dollars too."

"You're so not funny."

"I said the same about you not so long ago."

"Yeah, but the difference is I am funny."

Leon shook his head; he was about to lose his composure again. He needed to get away from you, away from the situation. If he didn't, he'd have you over the nearest desk in an instant.

"I need some air to think," was all he said as he walked into the room you two had come from.

Backing against the nearest wall, you rested your head against the hard surface. Why couldn't this just go right for you?

After a moment of breathing, you went over to what appeared to be the main computer in this room. Maybe there was a clue in there. Leon had already used the keycard to unlock the computer to you...some fancy scanner thing. You scrolled through a mess of useless emails, finding nothing of use. Could there be a program on the computers that opened the more important doors? That would give a bit more security. You opened each and every app and program on the home screen, and began skimming the files as well. Most of them were labeled with scientist names, or different project titles. You were about to give up when one file caught your eye. It was titled differently than the rest, its title being XXXX7. Upon opening the file, a screen popped up with five blanks, the last containing the 7 like in the title. What the hell was this?

"Hey, Leon! I think I found something."

He took his sweet time getting back to you, but when he did, you had his full attention. He leaned over the chair you had sat yourself in, listening.

"I think this could be the code for that door, but only one number filled in. I don't know what the other blanks would be."

You could physically see the gears turning in his head. After a few moments, you saw his eyes light up.

"There are as many blanks as doors we came through to get here."
You caught on quickly. The door you just entered was numbered 7.

"Go look at the other doors, quick," Leon ordered you, taking your spot at the computer.

You retraced your steps quickly, commiting each door code to memory, making sure you remembered them in the order you entered them.

Running back to Leon, you were eager to share what you found. "Okay, so the doors in order of what we entered is B35G, leaving 7 as the fifth one!"

Leon entered the numbers and letters, pressing enter when he was finished. You both were greeted with a green flash and the sound of a door sliding open. You both looked at each other, a pure grin on both of your faces. 

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