Chapter 7

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The two of you continued searching the lab together. You found more plants, all in varying states of disarray. The two of you chatted to fill the silence that uncomfortably engulfed the space whenever you and Leon stood too close or held eye contact for too long. Working together wasn't all that bad, you couldn't complain too much. You certainly couldn't complain with Leon's dick down your throat.

You and Leon had almost finished working through the lab when Leon got a page that someone was headed in your direction. You headed quickly to the exit. You wanted to stay and find something of value, but Leon pulled you through the different lab rooms. You were almost to the last door, when you heard a vehicle engine. Leon continued to pull you towards the door, but at the last second, you pulled back. You needed to come back with something.

"Come on!" Leon called out to you.

"Hold on."

You ran through the lab, trying to find one of the plants. You needed something. You could feel the seconds tick by; people would be coming in any minute. You finally got to the room where you had seen the plants earlier that night. Snagging a small branch, you hurried back to the exit of the lab. What you saw, floored you. In front of you, stood Leon covered in blood, looking down at two very dead scientists.

"Oh my god, Leon!" You ran up to him, worried some of the blood was his.

"Why the fuck did you ran away."

Looking down at the plant you held in your left hand, you stayed silent.

"Answer me."

"I needed proof... any kind of proof. I'm sorry."

"We need to go."


"Come on."

Wordlessly, you followed him out of the lab and to the car.

You stayed quiet while Leon spoke with the agency on the ride back. Part of you felt no guilt for what you did, but the other part, the part that knew there would be repercussions to Leon's murder of the two scientists, felt guilt swirling around in your stomach.

After a few minutes, Leon's call ended, and he pulled off to the side of the road. He put the vehicle in park, and leaned back in his seat with a sigh.

"Leon, I'm sorry about what I did back there. I was just trying to–"

"What did I tell you when we started this?"

You knew what he was going to say, but it made you mad all the same.

"I call the shots."

"I know."

"Obviously you just don't give a shit then."

"I'm sorry."

"What you did was reckless."

"I know."

"I should have left you to figure shit out yourself. Now I have two unplanned bodies on me."

"Why didn't you?" You asked.

Leon looked at you, "What?"

"Why didn't you leave me behind?"

"It would be wrong for a higher ranked agent to leave another agent."

"They would have forgiven you."

Scoffing, Leon countered, "You don't know that."

"Yes I do. You're the best Agent we have, you're practically famous."

"I know I'm good, what's your point?"

"I'm expendable."

What you said hit Leon in a way he hadn't expected.

"You're a good agent."

"Oh trust me, I know, but against you? I'm nothing. It kills me to admit it because I hate being talked down to or looked over, but it's the truth."

"I don't understand why you're telling me this. Am I supposed to feel bad for you? Excuse your ignorance?"

His words stung.

"Maybe I need another lesson."

At your words, Leon scoffed and put the car back in drive. He spoke as he pulled out on the road. "You don't deserve anything I could give you."

Missions in the DarkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora