Chapter three~!

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My eyes were wide. "What the hell just happened?" I asked breathing out heavily. "My brother just kidnapped Jisung.." Felix mumbled. I nodded taking in this information. "Great, our new friend is never gonna want to come over to your house, and we definitely are not coming to mine." I groaned. 

Suddenly, Jisung rushed past the cafeteria doorway. "He escaped!?" Felix said in awe. "I'm so glad we are friends with him-." He added grabbing my wrist to follow. I glanced back at Jeongin in pity. "Come on." Felix tugged on my sleeve. I nodded rushing out the cafeteria with him, in order to follow our new friend.


I fled past countless classroom doorways, trying to find the bathroom so I could lock myself in a stall. I bit my lip as I ran, pain crept from wrist and cheek to my entire body. I ached, I was tired and breathing heavily. 

My running was sloppy, I hear footsteps padding behind quickly. I didn't bother to check who it was, I was certain it was that insane guy. My assumption was incorrect as I heard a familiar voice, but it wasn't Minho's.

"Jisung-ah! Wait up!" I heard Felix call, I looked back to see him.

 Seungmin was rather fast, he caught up to me. He yanked my wrist to stop me from running, I was so set on escaping that I dragged him before slowing down. I could hear his breath being knocked out of him once we came to a stop.

"Follow us," Seungmin said grabbing my jacket sleeve and running into an empty classroom. Felix followed, he apparently had the key because he locked it. "Where are we?" I huffed, my hands rested on my knees. "Cooking clubroom, I'm the president so I have the keys." Felix smiled jingling the keys infront of me. I had been turned to the side so they hadn't noticed the slice on my cheek, and my jacket sleeve covered the carving in my wrist.

Blood trickled down my face, a drop landed on the floor drawing Seungmin's attention. "Wait..are you hurt!?" He said concerned, he grabbed my face and gasped. "Oh my god.." He muttered covering his mouth with his hand. He turned my face towards Felix, I removed his hand. "Don't touch me." I snapped, roughly throwing his hand down. This cause his eyes to widen. "Sorry.." He mumbled rubbing his neck. "Do we have a first-aid kit?" He turned to Felix. Felix paused to think, then revealed his answer. "I think so--let me check." He gave a slight smile as he opened a cabinet. He brought out a white box and handed it to Seungmin, who opened the box preparing to treat my wounds. I yanked the box from him. "I'll do it myself." I sighed, feeling guilty for my harsh outburst. I grabbed a Q-tip and gently cleaned my wounds whilst looking in a mirror.

 "Erm--Jisung?" I hear Felix speak, I turned back to look at him. "Yeah?" "May I ask you a question?" He asked. "Sure, go ahead." I said turning back to the mirror. He paused, silent erupted the room. "Why are you like that," Seungmin spoke for him. "Like what?" I asked ignoring Seungmin's tone assuming it was unintentional. "When someone touches you, you kind of you have a outburst in a way." Seungmin stated. Well that was pretty  straight-up. "I don't know what you are talking about." I fibbed. I had to lie, I suffer from "Haphephobia" I find it embarrassing, and didn't want to give the chance of being laughed at.

"Alright," Seungmin mumbled. I wrapped my wrist in gauze, and put a Band-Aid over my injury on my cheek. I then stood up, brushing myself off.


I washed my knife at the water fountain. Just a simple rinse nothing too fancy. I checked in the cafeteria to see if the squirrel kid was in there. He wasn't, what a shame.

I also noticed Felix and his friend weren't there either. "Cooking club." I muttered with a wide grin. I knew Felix would lock the door, smart kid. I decided to go into the Janitor's closet to look for a spare key. God, the excitement of this "hunt-down" was absolutely thrilling.

I grabbed the key box, I shuffled through the cardboard box. The rumbling of keys could be heard throughout the small room. Finally, I found one labeled "Cooking". 

Just then, the ringing of the bell rung throughout the building. "Fuck." I groaned. "Just my luck." I chuckled, spinning the key on my index finger. I slid it into my pocket for keepsakes. I then swung open the door, and headed to my next class. I may not be a "good person", but I am a "good student".


"Saved by the bell," Felix muttered in my ear as the bell indicating to head to your next class rung. I slung my bad over my shoulder, and handed Felix his. "Jisung-ah, where is your bag?" I asked, he shrugged. "Oh shit- the cafeteria." I mumbled, remembering Jisung throwing his bag off when fighting Changbin. "I'll grab it, what class do you have?" Felix asked Jisung. "Social studies." Jisung smiled, most likely at Felix's kindness.

 "Awe man!" I whined as the realization hit me. "Felix and I have mathematics--you will be in a class of complete strangers!" Jisung frowned. "It will be fine, I will catch you guys after class--okay?" He replaced his frown with a smile to convince us. Felix nodded. "Okay, study well!" I smiled. He headed towards the door but paused. "Can you unlock the door?" He asked. I chuckled, as Felix nervously laughed as he unlocked the door. Jisung remained still. "Where is Social Studies?" He awkwardly smiled. "Three doors left--the door is blue." I laughed waving him off.

 "Minnie, I have science!" Felix pouted. "No! I don't want to be alone with a bunch of idiots!" I groaned hugging Felix. "It will be okay Minnie, just ignore everyone." Felix smiled patting my back. "I can do that--I'm not worried about me! You can't stand up for yourself worth shi- I mean crap!" I quickly changed out my curse when Felix narrowed his eyes. "I'll be fine, get to class!" Felix said as he followed me out the door. "See you late Lixxie!" I called as I walked down the hall towards the mathematics classroom.


I giggled shaking my head at Seungmin's personality. Then I felt myself run into something, it felt as though there was a brick wall in the middle of the hall. I rubbed my head looking to see what I ran into. I noticed it was Hyunjin...wait--the Hwang Hyunjin!? "Wah! I'm so sorry!" I clenched my teeth, cold air blowing through my teeth. His beautiful black orbs seemed to pierce through me. I gulped as I took in his exquisite features up-close. He narrowed his cold gaze on me. Silence. "Well--I should head to class! See you-" I was interrupted by him grabbing my wrist as I tried to walk past him. My eyes widened as I looked down at his grip on me. He pulled me infront of me and leaned closer. Is this it? Is he gonna actually kiss me? The Hwang Hyunjin? Has he already noticed me and feels the same? My thoughts were rapid as his gaze did land on my lips.

I was awfully disappointed when he put his thumb to my bottom lip and gently wiped it. "Huh?" I looked at him, confused. "You had something there, messy." He shrugged, pushing past me. I put my fingers to my lips, blushing. Physical touch was good with me too.

I. Need. Help. 

Wahh~! What can I say, I got lost in writing! That tends to happen-I've noticed that.

Hope you have enjoyed this so far~!

|{-Don't touch me. }| (Minsung)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang