Chapter seven~!

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I yawned, I watched Jisung scroll through social media platforms on his phone. Every once in a while we would giggle upon seeing a comedic video. I gave a yawn notifying Jisung I was tired. "Minnie, you can rest your head on my shoulder. I feel comfortable around you and Felix." Jisung smiled patting my head. I smiled at the fact I could make Jisung feel comfortable around me enough to allow me to physical express my gratitude towards him.  It had been a month since we met, so I hope we have grown closer.

I rested my head on his shoulder with a deep sigh, smiling as I closed my eyes. Felix layed on my lap whilst playing on his phone. I felt the light drift away, as I slowly fell off into the deep void that was sleep.


I couldn't help but clench my fists, the way Seungmin was all over Jisung, and he was okay with it!? It pissed me off, I wanted to strangle Seungmin and watch his worthless life leave his eyes. God, I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I?

The only thing that kept me from striking was Changbin, I'm sure he would pull a gun on me if I tried anything. Tried harming his 'precious' puppy, gross. I watched as Chris entered the shack with cases of alcohol, along with his boyfriend. "Everyone should be here in half an hour, so everyone prepare yourselves for the time of your fucking life!" He smiled grabbing Jeongin's waist. Clearly not caring what anyone thought anymore. 

Changbin was too distracted by Seungmin to even acknowledge the fact that Chris was talking. Another, gross.

I clenched my teeth as I watched Seungmin wrap his arms around Jisung's singular arm. Resting his head was fine, but cuddling? That is where the line is fucking drawn and crossed. I marched over and sat next to Jisung. "The fuck do you want, prick?" He hissed. I rolled my eyes in a responsive manner. I grabbed his arm and sat him on my lap causing everyone to look at me. He just stared at me confused, his big doe eyes surprised and...flustered? Was it working? Had he fallen for me yet? 

I wrapped my arms around his rather tiny waist and leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Are you fucking trying to make me jealous, you whore?" I tightened my grip causing his airway to come to a halt. He shook his head frantically, tears gathered in his eyes. I smirked at the sight, his eyes seemed to beg for mercy. I knew I had no mercy to show, a big plus is that the look is cute on him. 

I loosened my grip, allowing him to speak. I watched as he took in a deep breath of air and exhaled. Catching his breath. "The you mean by jealous?" He asked trying to squirm out of my grip. I breathed on his neck then brought my lips inches away from his ear. "You know what I mean when I say jealous." 

I watched as Felix looked at me astounded along with my friends, Seungmin was asleep at the time so he hadn't seen anything. I smirked, he squirmed trying to get off me. I bit my lip as he did so, the unusual sensation made my stomach ache in a good manner. Sort of like...a whole bunch of bugs were flying around in my stomach.

I noticed that he was blushing, odd. He finally escaped my grasp, retreating to Felix. "Your brother is fucking insane!" He snapped. I smirked, my fascination grew with each second I was around him.


My heart was pounding, my breathing was quick and unsteady. My face was overly hot and it made no sense to me. Why did he make me feel so...good? How did he make me feel so good if he's so bad? I gulped, repeating the words, 'you're straight.' over and over again in my mind.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door disturbing the awkward silence. "Ah--I'll get it," Felix awkwardly said walking to the door. He opened it and greeted a bunch of people, allowing them to enter. I kept my gaze on Minho who had a smirk plastered on his face. Why did I think he was hot in a way? that's so fucking unhealthy. God dammit act straight!

"Well, let's get this party started!" Chris smiled, turning on music and passing out alcohol. I hadn't ever drank before, but there is a first time for everything. I grabbed a bottle and another for Seungmin who had also said he wanted to try drinking once he had fully awakened. I walked over to him and handed him the bottle. "I feel so lame now--grab me a bottle Minnie!" Felix smiled, his hair bouncing up and down as he excitedly turned towards Seungmin. "Have you ever drank before?" Seungmin asked, raising a brow. "Have you?" Felix retorted, resulting in Seungmin mouth a 'fair enough' and heading to retrieve a bottle of beer.

I opened the bottle and took a sip, tingles went throughout my body and I could tell I was making a face. It tasted oddly good, yet kind of strong. I took another drink and the party truly started.


I looked over to see a drunk Jisung dancing around. I smiled shaking my head as I watched him from afar. 

I narrowed my eyes as I saw a girl begin dancing with him. I handed my beer to Chris and walked over. I put my hands on his waist and faced him towards me. "What did I say about making me jealous?" I asked, leaning into his ear. "You said not to do it, *hiccup*, but I kinda wanted you to do this I just--*hiccup*--don't want to admit it." Jisung giggled, continuing to dance. He put his finger to my lips. "Now- shh-shut up and let me fucking dance." He said moving out of my grip. 

I licked my lips as I watched him moving his hips, my eyes were hungry and I felt hot. I wanted to touch him, explore every inch of his body. 


I felt happy as I danced, well more like stumbled around. I was clearly drunk, but that didn't bother me. I was having fun. I felt brave. 

I noticed Hyunjin looking at me from the corner and I thought I might aswell shoot my shot. It's now or never. I walked over and stood infront of him. "Hey~!" I smiled, brushing my head on his chest. He looked down at me, I couldn't tell what he was thinking with his blank expression


I looked down at the soft looking boy. Rather ballsy of him to make a move. I was to much of a pussy to do it myself. Yes, I had liked the boy since last year. When I went over to Minho's house and met him. I looked down at his full lips, I wanted to kiss them but had to know if he was actual sober enough to know what he was doing.

 I grabbed his waist making his eyes widen. "What's my name?" He gulped as I asked him this question. "Hwang Hyunjin." He averted his gaze. "Where are you?" I added. "My big brothers shack." He answered this time his twinkling eyes met mine. "Can I kiss you?" I asked bluntly, he blushed and nodded. Though he seemed to be shaking. I paused. "Are you su-." I was cut off by him cupping my face and pressing his lips on mine, moving his body in sync with mine. The sexual tension was high, I didn't want to do anything, but I couldn't control it any longer.

Hiya~! Now, the next chapter is heavily sexually active! So please be warned, if you aren't into that kind of thing! This is a very adult-themed book and I did state that in the story information! Along with some T.W.!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter~! <3

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