Chapter eighteen~!

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My alarm rang in my ears as I slowly rose from my slumber, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I sat in bed for a moment, trying to fully awaken. I then pulled aside my covers, hopping out of bed. I stumbled into the bathroom, spotting my mother's perfume. I looked at the title which read, "Rose-red Strawberry Fragrance" I moved the bottle in a circular motion, watching the pink-red contents swirl around the glass bottle. I let out a sigh, "Alright then, might as well just hurry on with it." I spritzed myself with the fragrance, careful not to overdo it. As strong smells may attract, but could also repulse. I took a whiff and was surprised by the decency of the smell. It smelt like a mixture of sakura, strawberries, and roses. I mean, you could inquire about that from the name. Now, where would I find--erm feminine clothes? Welp, clothing parlor here I come. I brushed my hair and readied myself. I was soon out the door, riding my bicycle down the rocky road. I then parked my bike on the bicycle stand of the clothing shop, smoothing out my hair in one quick motion and then hastily opening the shop door. Upon my arrival, I heard a voice call. "Hello~! Welcome to Pine's Clothing Parlor," I recognized the accent, Thai. I walked over to see a man leaning over his phone at the front desk. He looked up from his phone and his mouth dropped, I was quite unsure why. "Ah! You are so cute! Hi, I'm Itt, Pine's son!" He smiled, setting down his phone and walking over. I felt my face grow red, flustered from the sudden compliments. "So, what are you here for? You do know that most of our clothes are for women--or feminine men." He chuckled, setting his hand on my shoulder whilst eyeing me up and down. "Y-yes, I do know that." I stuttered, my eyes wide. "Woah! You don't seem like the type---oh...are you trying to impress someone?" He teased, raising and lowering his brows. I nodded my head, a shy expression plastered on my face. "I must help you! That's if--I may?" He smiled, as he asked for permission. "Erm--sure?" I mumbled, scratching my neck. "So, anything in particular?" He asked as he scrimmaged through clothes. "Something to keep him--I mean them! Interested. So maybe revealing-ish..?" I blabbered, Itt looked at me and giggled to himself. "Alright then, take these and try them on!" He smiled, handing me a bag of different selected clothing items. I entered the changing room and slid on the clothes. I looked in the mirror and gulped, it didn't even look like me at that point. 

(The outfit :0 )

I tried pulling the skirt down, rather uncomfortable

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I tried pulling the skirt down, rather uncomfortable. Though, it just slid right back into place. I then exited the dressing room. "Wah~! Do a twirl!" Itt smiled, clapping his hands. I did a little awkward twirl and even a bow for effect. "It's perfect! You look adorable!" He smiled, brushing off my shoulder and fixing my hair. "Your blue hair somehow pulls it all together!" He complimented. I gave a small 'thank you' bow, and pulled out my wallet. After paying, I slid on my white sneakers instead of the boots that were suggested to me. I pulled out my phone and called Felix. "I did something-," I mumbled once he picked up. "What- what did you do?" He asked, sounding concerned. "I bought feminine clothing...and I am going to wear them to a cafe with you, your friends, Seungmin, and Minho and his friends." I sighed, switching the phone to a different ear. "Oh- I'm guessing you want me to round people up?" He asked with a giggle. "If that's okay," I smiled into the phone, a girl whispered to her friend as she passed by me. I grew self-conscious, gulping as I tilted my beret. "Sure, what cafe?" He asked, with a sigh. "Komi's Cafe," I mumbled. "Okay, see you there." "See ya."

Time skip because waiting isn't fun~!


I drove around, wasting time until Felix finally said we could pull into the parking lot of the cafe. "Why do you suddenly want to have a get-together?" I sighed, exiting the car. "Because--why not?" He smiled, looking innocent. I shook my head, entering the building to see Seungmin and my friends. Seungmin looked extremely pissed off to be there, looking very uncomfortable. "Where is Jisungie?" Seungmin asked, walking to Felix's side in almost an instant. "Hey guys, what's up." Min-Kyung smiled, walking along with Sung-Soo and Jung-Woo. Felix gave a quick wave and then turned back to Seungmin. "I don't know." he shrugged. At the sound of Jisung's name, I immediately felt like I shouldn't have come. Every time I'm near him I just get so, impatient. I want to touch him in ways he wouldn't allow. It's to the point where I get angry, so in order to not hurt him, I need to distance myself. I thought I could handle it, but I can't. It's too overwhelming. 

"Oh, there he is- woah-" Seungmiin's eyes widened, as his finger slightly shook. I raised a brow out of confusion. I watched as Chris turned back, and Jeongin quickly turned him away from Jisung's direction. What caused me to look was noticing Min-Kyung's jaw dropping as red rose upon his face. I furrowed my brows turning around and my eyes widened at the sight. Jisung was adorable, he was wearing a skirt- which he clearly looked uncomfortable in. He looked cute all the way down to his white sneakers and up to his pink-and-white beret. I clenched my teeth, fury growing as I watched all the stares land on Jisung. "Jisung-ah..over here!" Felix stuttered, causing Hyunjin to eye him, clear jealousy on his face. I watched as Jisung walked over, his skirt riding up his legs as he walked, exposing his thighs. Min-Kyung gulped, causing me to shoot a glare at him. "Who i-is uh, he?" Jung-woo stuttered, scratching the back of his neck. "Han Jisung," Sung-Woo smirked, crossing his arms. Everyone looked at him. "What? he is in my science class." He mumbled. Jisung sat by Min-Kyung who was sitting by me. I glared at Min-Kyun as I followed his gaze to Jisung's upper thighs. I bit down on my tongue not hearing the conversation going on. Not only was I being tempted, but Jisung was just allowing others to stare at him. I licked my lips, eyeing his thigh, my heart pounding hard and loud. I watched Min-Kyung bounce his knee, clearly thinking about something. Laughter erupted from Jisung, Seungmin has something, Jisung clapped and stood up his skirt flowing up swiftly and then down. As Jisung sat down, Min-Kyung sat his hand on his thigh. I watched as Min-Kyung wrapped his arm around Jisung. I suddenly stood up to everyone looking at me. "Jisung, we need to talk," I grumbled, glaring at Min-Kyung who removed his arm and hand. "Ok?" Jisung looked at me with his shocked Pikachu face.  I lead him outside and bit down on my lip trying not to yell at him instantaneously.  "What the hell are you wearing," I asked, trying to sound calm. "Clothes?" He bickered. I wasn't in the mood for his bickering. "You know what I fucking mean, do you want attention that bad?" I hissed, my voice slightly raising in volume. "Yes-" I cut him off, "What the fuck? You whore!" I snapped, slapping him harshly. I watched as tears gathered in his eyes, he tried to step back but I grabbed his wrist. "Don't you ever wear something like this in public again. Do I make myself crystal fucking clear?" I snarled, he nodded, wiping his tears with his sleeve as he sniffled. "Go the fuck home, I can't stand to look at you. Fucking slut!" I shoved him to the ground, walking back into the building. My fists were balled up, I restrained myself from punching someone in the face. "I'm going home, this is fucking stupid." I spat, exiting the building and slamming my car door shut once entering it.


I ran down the streets tears falling from my eyes, no matter how fucking hard I tried, I couldn't make Minho care. I tripped, scraping my knee. You know what...fuck him. I panted, wiping my tears. I don't need him, I can just move on. Just...move on.

I know this isn't a big fight, but it was to Hannie;-; thank you for the idea Hamokiethecookie ! :D

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