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My eyes opened adjusting to the light
As I picked up my phone to check the time 10:31am. Then the realisation came to me today I will see James.
My mum and I had planned everything and James' parents knew the whole plan it was simple I was just going to jumpscare him as when we were younger we would always see who could scare the other the most once resulting in a black eye...

James and I were currently playing hide and seek together I couldn't find him though where could he be?
I looked everywhere and this is when I started to get worried
"Jamie this isn't funny anymore I can't find you I give up come out now!" I called across the hallway.
Little did I know he was sneaking up on me as I went to look behind the curtains.
And then all of a sudden "RAAHH" as he grabbed onto my shoulders resulting in me screaming and elbowing him in the eye.
I immediately realised what I had done "JAMIE YOU SCARED ME I'M SO SORRY!"
I hoped he wasn't to hurt but he looked straight at me and smirked while holding his eye "It's ok that was my fault."
You both erupted into a fit of giggles.
"Do you think I'll get in trouble for elbowing you?" You asked now scared to get told off.
"Don't worry lex I won't let you get in trouble."

(I can't be bothered to write her morning routine cause I'm lazy like that 😬)
I was now on the way to James' house loads of thoughts going through my mind.
Will he want to see me?
Will he still want to be friends?
Is he taller than me now?
I just ignored those thoughts as we pulled up around the corner to his house we couldn't let him see our car.
I had texted Louise to let her know we were almost there.
As we walked up the porch I saw Louise and I ran towards her giving her a huge hug she was like the older sister I never had.
"I missed you so much!" I whisper shouted.
"I missed you too James is currently watching tv with our parents so we will sneak you in."
She smiled leading us through as she secretly videoed nerves filling my body 7 years i haven't seen him 7 years!
As I turned the corner I saw his hair and turned back to Louise as she gave me a reassuring smile.
As I creeped towards him I shouted "FIRE" and grabbed his shoulder.
He jumped turning to look at me and shock and happiness spread across his face once he saw me.
"Surprise" I said

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