Finding out

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"I just wanna talk Lexie we didn't get to talk after you left and moved back to England."
"What and after you used me and embarrassed me in front of half our year? You would think me ignoring your calls all day would give you a hint that I never want to talk to you again." I snapped back
"I'm sorry about that ok but I had to keep my popularity up i was getting made fun of for being your friend."
"Well you got what you wanted we're not friends anymore and you still have your popularity so fuck you and stop calling." I hung up that felt really good.
And then James walked in "are you ok Lex?" He asked.
"Did you hear most of that?"
"Yeah why didn't you tell me how bad things were in America for you?" He asked concern visible in his voice.
"Because I didn't want to worry you with my problems when you literally have enough going on in your life."
"Lex you can always talk to me if you need to that's what I'm here for we're best friends remember?" He placed his hand on too of yours. Butterflies.
"Yeah I promise I'll talk to you now ok?"
"Ok good now do you want to actually tell me what actually happened in America?"
It always confused me why he cared so much and why other guys couldn't be like him.
(Time skip cause I'm lazy asf)
I had explained everything sometimes tears coming to my eyes which I couldn't stop from rolling down my cheek but James always would wipe them away and at the end gave me a big hug.
"That's the pizza I'll go get it." He spoke as he walked out.
I smiled to myself this is why I would always come back to England I had someone who cared for me like no one else here.
We didn't go to sleep till 3am and woke up extremely tired and extremely close to eachother.
But it's ok we're allowed to sleep like that we're just friends, right?

I am so sorry i HAVENT updated i have been extremely exhausted from the school year and had no motivation whatsoever I will try harder to update for you guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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