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"So what do you wanna do first?" James asked.
I had put all my stuff down in his room and we were figuring out what to do.
"I don't know should we watch a movie?" I suggested.
"Yeah can we watch grease?" (My childhood movie 🥲)
"Um duh we haven't watched it in so long."
James smiled at this comment and went onto Netflix so we could watch it.

"Kids while we go out to dinner we're gonna leave you here with the nanny there are loads of films you can watch over there just ask carol to put one on for you ok?" My mum said.
"Thanks mummy when will you be back?"
"Very late and your bedtime is 7 no later got it?"
"Ok bye love you"
"I love you too sweetie."
Once your mum left you and James got up to look at the film selection.
"So what should we watch?" James asked as I looked through the movies.
"Hmm what about this one it's called grease?"
"I don't know it looks a bit boring."
"Please Jamie it's got singing in it!"
"Ok fine."

As you can tell it became tradition to watch grease at least twice a year together.
As the movie went on poppy kept calling and texting and I put my phone on silent so you couldn't hear it but her contact would still show up.
"Who keeps calling you?" James asked.
"Just someone from America I don't want to talk to her."
"Why not? Did she do something bad?"
"Can we just watch the movie I don't want to talk about it." You snapped.
Realisation plastered it self all over your face as you realised you had shouted.
"I'm so sorry Jamie it's just a sensitive topic."
"It's ok don't worry about it lex I won't push you to talk about it."
As you both turned your attention to the film.
Your the one I want was now playing as you were stood up singing into your hairbrush as James stared at you with a smile on his face.
I felt your cheeks warm up. It was probably because I was dancing while singing. Right?
The movie was now done and you were both chilling lying on his bed just on our phones.
"Do you want to order something?" James asked
"Yeah I'm hungry actually what should we get though?"
"Chinese or pizza your choice."
"You know what I'm really craving some domino's right now so pizza it is."
"Ok great I'll go ask my mum and dad to order what pizza do you want?"
"I'll have pepperoni please." (Bro I don't even like pepperoni I just don't want to get hated on 😭)
"Ok wait here." James said walking out the room.
A few minutes later that's when it popped up again Poppy you know what James isn't here I'll pick up. What could go wrong?
"What the hell do you want poppy?"
Little did I know James was standing outside the door...

Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger baes but I need to revise and sorry for not updating much I'll try to a lot more this week ♥️😘

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