
901 15 4

I just woke up I was so tired James and I had been texting till 2am about the most random stuff.
As i checked my phone i saw my wrist and I had an idea.
I walked to my art draw and pulled out my thread.
I was going to make us new bracelets.
I am very Creative and had recently learnt how to make bracelets adjustable.
I decided to also make me one as mine was holding on for dear life.
I made them and then added a J charm to mine and a L one to James as he only calls me lex.
They were all done and I now had to have the courage to take off my old one I mean I would have to cut it as i refused to take it off when I left England.
So it couldn't get past my wrist now.
I couldn't do it i needed someone else to.

James i need help
                                              Why what's wrong are u ok?
I cant take my bracelet off
                                                        Just cut it u idiot 🤣
That's the problem I can't I'm too scared
                        Do u want me to come over and do it for u?
Yes please 🙏🏻
                                             Ok I'll be over in 20 minutes
Ok see u then 💛
                                                               See u then 💙

Thank god James was going to do it for me.
Wait but why didn't he ask why I'm cutting it off?
Was he glad i was?
God why am I thinking that I'm being stupid James would never think that I'll just ask him when he gets here but now I need to get dressed.
I now had on my favourite hoodie and tracksuit bottoms.
Then I heard the doorbell ring and ran downstairs.
I opened the door to a smiling James.
"Hi Jamie"
"Hi lex"
As I opened the door to let him in we went up to my room and sat down on my bed.
He looked straight into my eyes and said "are you sure you want me to cut the bracelet off?"
"Yes i am it's about to break anyway"
"Ok then" he reached for the scissors giving you a soft smile grabbing your hand in his own. I don't know why but in this moment butterflies erupted in my stomach it was probably nothing. Then i heard the clip of the scissors looking down and i saw the bracelet cut at the knot so it would still stay together.

James then handed you the bracelet "there you go" he said.
"Thank you for doing that for me"
As you stood up pinning it to your bulletin board.
You decided to ask him "hey James I'm just going to ask why didn't you ask why I was cutting of the bracelet like did you not like them anymore?"
"Wait did you think they were cringy?"
"Lex Liste-"
"Wait no i know you found a new best friend"
This startled you pulling you out of your rant.
"Listen to me i have known you since we were babies and I knew that once you saw that my bracelet doesn't fit me anymore you were going to make a new one so I assumed you made one for yourself"
"You really do know me well don't you?" You laughed as you walked over to your desk and giving James his bracelet and watching him smile at it.
"I love it oh and also I may have other friends but no one can replace you lex"
He said as you smiled both putting on your bracelets.

Hello my favourite people in the world thank you for the idea for this part raeden3

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