Chapter -12

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Becky stepped inside Freen's mansion. Like. A literal mansion. She gaped in amazement. A servant came up to her and tried to grab her coat, to which she declined. It was one of the more expensive things in her wardrobe, and it won't leave her sight.

Freen tried to grab Becky's wrist, which earned her a slap on her arm.

"Can we just hurry up? My room is this way."

They climbed up two flights of stairs and walked what felt like half a mile before opening a door into a room that was bigger than Becky's entire trailer. There were posters of Blackpink and Roseanne Park, which genuinely surprised Becky.

"Who knew you had taste?" She exhaled out.

Freen glared at her.

"What was that?"

"Nothing. Anyways grab a notebook. We're setting ground rules."

Becky jumped on Freen's bed before getting pushed off by the very owner of the bed.

"You can sit on the floor." Freen said with an innocent smile.

Becky got up and sat on the nearest chair. She didn't want to say, but she almost fell asleep as soon as she got into that chair. It was more comfortable than any piece of furniture in her home. Freen cleared her throat and opened her notebook to a new page.

She wrote in capital letters: RULES FOR FAKE DATING

She looked over to Becky for ideas.

"Um how about we just control ourselves when we're working? Then I wouldn't have to experience hell."

"Hey, I don't want this any more than you do, but we've been 'controlling ourselves' and it hasn't been working. We promised Matt and he's done more for us than anyone so can we please just do this and leave each other alone as soon as possible?"

Freen was surprised at herself for not agreeing to not fake date. She would rather die than have people dating this girl.

But I'd rather her date me than Kade.

She told herself that she only thinks that way to protect her best friend, but deep deep deep deep deep down inside she knows it's for another reason.

"Alright how's this. The first rule is that we can't tell anyone except our best friends." Becky said.

Freen shook her head. "Your friend is a blabbermouth, she'll tell others it's fake."

"Are you kidding? Your friend is the Gretchen Weiners of our school. She knows all the latest gossip and she's sure to spill it when she finds out."

"Fine. We don't tell anyone, including our friends. Though they won't believe us at all, no matter how good we act."

"Actually, I think Jennie might not be so reluctant to believe it." Becky muttered while thinking deeply.

Jennie knows about her feelings for Freen. The only part she might struggle to convince Jennie of is that Freen likes her back.

Freen heard Becky and got butterflies in her stomach. Had she been talking about Milani to Jennie? In a non-rival way?

Then she thought about Kade. She can  easily play off the text message thing as jealousy.

Freen nodded.

"Alright. Rule 1: We tell absolutely no one."

Freen scribbles it down and gets an idea for the second idea.

"Lets also maybe not do this for long. We're starting interviews in about 3 months, when the climax of the season hits the air, so by then let's reveal that our relationship was fake."

"Wow. I'm impressed that you could come up with such good ideas."

Milani snickered.

"Likewise. I was so sure that someone with massive back tattoos before 18 had no capability of thinking even semi deep thoughts."

Becky froze.

"What'd you say?"

*awkward silence*

Freen thinks over her sentence and panics.

"I- uh"

She stutters.

"Did you see me naked Freen?" She says slowly, with a siren-like voice.

Becky uses this opportunity to get closer to Freen. She gets up and climbs onto the bed.

"I don't recall ever showing you my tattoos, or even telling you I had them. So answer the question."

"Uhh no. NO! you weren't naked! You were changing after the party and you thought I was asleep and I-I uh. I saw your tattoos"

Becky breaks out into laughter. The blush and embarrassment on Freen's face was to die for. She falls down on the bed unable to control her laughter.

Freen gets angry. "Don't make me kick you out Becky."

Becky controls her laughter and rolls around so her back is on the bed.

"Oh shut up perv." She says while laughing, playfully hitting Freen in the process.

Freen breaks down and starts lightly giggling.

The laughter completely dies down until they're both on the bed in silence. It was weirdly peaceful.

And also an actual hell. Both girls had butterflies - no, cockroaches in their stomachs.

Were these two girls possibly the same girls who once got in such a physical fight they both got sent to the hospital due to their injuries?

never in their life had they laughed about something together.

They made eye contact and Becky got up.

"Alright Sarocha. Let's finish this list."

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