Chapter - 24

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The door opens and Freen's ready to comment on how her music taste isn't as bad as Freen thought, until she noticed Becky's expression.

Becky seemed almost mad to see Freen. "What are you doing here."

"I thought we could hang out?"

Becky laughed a humourless laugh. "We're not really girlfriends Freen. We're barely friends."

Freen hesitated. "Y-yeah I know. I thought maybe we could change that."

Becky noticed that Freen wasn't budging and sighed, before walking away, prompting Freen to walk in.

The first thing Freen noticed was a bunch of fancy looking government papers on her kitchen counter.

Freen walks back in the kitchen where she was making roti (Indian type of Bread) and some kind of
orange sweet tofu (Indian Sweet Dish - Laddoo). It smelled good.

Becky turns the gas off before signing and going back to the papers, completely ignoring Freen. She looked really stressed, she kind of had all week. She had her phone calculator beside her, occasionally typing some numbers in while massaging her head.

Freen watched her do this for a while, before giving in and asking what's wrong.

"None of your business." Becky said while glaring. Maybe she was glaring at Freen, or maybe that's just how her face was today, 'cus it seemed like she was glaring at everything, including the papers and the calculator on her phone.

Freen decided to just say fuck it and look at the stack of papers.


It was Becky's rent. It seemed like she was behind on a few months. It looked like it was for $600, though she recalled Becky telling her a while ago that it was only $350.

Becky sensed all the curiosity on Freen's face, and sighed before answering her unasked questions.

"Jennie's cousin is renting me this trailer. We got it at a cheaper price because we're underage, so these trailers are technically empty, to her it's like extra money. But now for some reason, I'm being charged $600 for the last two months, even though I paid the bills. I think Jennie might be behind this."

Becky reached into her pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes before taking one out and lighting it.

*A/N: it's just a story. Our Becbec never smokes;)*

She inhaled deeply, exhaled, then continued. "There's no way I'm going to be able to pay for this. I might ask Davison for an early paycheck." Becky said with bitterness in her voice.

Freen gave Becky her input.

"We make enough for you to pay for both of these though, so you would be ok."

Becky's face got mad. She finished her cigarette before grabbing another. After lighting that one, she continues.

"That won't exactly work, princess Sarocha, 'cus we get paid $1,450 after taxes, meaning I pay the bills and have $50 left for food for the next month and a half."

Normally, Becky calling Freen princess would give her butterflies like no other, but her voice was so sharp that it felt like cuts in her stomach instead of butterflies.

Freen had an idea, though.

"I can lend you some money."

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