Chapter - 25

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Becky looked up.


"Yeah." Freen felt confident about this. "I can give you enough to pay your rent. You don't have to pay me back or anything."

Becky laughed, again, humourlessly. "Do I look like a fucking charity?"

Freen was taken aback. She wasn't expecting this.

"Becky I'm trying to help you."

"No you're not. You're pitying me. You're rubbing your money in my face. You think I haven't noticed?"

Freen was confused. Until it hit her. All her jewelry, clothes, she'd worn the stuff she spent thousands of dollars on all week. And Becky noticed.

"Becky I didn't mean it in that way-"

"It's not just that, you know." Becky interrupted.

"I have pride you know, I'm able to work for myself. I'm not going to take money from you, my parents raised me better than that."

Freen quickly shot out, "Did your parents even raise you? They probably did a bad job since they must've been so unbearable that you had to run. Away. From Them." She annunciated.

The shock on Becky's face was like no other.

"Take that back Sarocha. You don't know a thing about my parents, you have no right to say that."

"Don't I though? I mean Jesus, look at you." Freen took a breath, trying to calm herself. "I'm trying to help you, Becky. I didn't mean anything mean by it." She said, right before walking out.

Freen genuinely didn't know how they were going to recover from a fight like that. Especially on Sunday, when they have their kissing scenes to film.

Becky was fuming back at her trailer. Freen really thought she could give Becky another thing to hold over her head.

Her train of thought was stopped when she got a mail notification.

Freen, back at home, was also thinking about what happened, when she got a mail notification.

The two girls opened it.

From: Matt Davison

To: Cast


Hope you all are doing well. I'm emailing to let all of you know that we have an interview with Times Magazine and Netflix. Normally I wouldn't schedule interviews this tightly, however, this could be very big for us!

This is mandatory, if you cannot make it, email me asap.

Thanks, Matt Davison.

Fuck. Both girls thought.


Becky woke up. It was Saturday. The day of the interview.

As Becky got up and stretched, she wondered if she'll have to act like she's dating Freen during the interview. She's only been fake dating her at school.

She picked out her clothes for the interview and got into her shower.

Her mind kept going back to Freen. Pure anger was all she felt towards her. Freen already made it everyone's business that she was rich as fuck, but throwing money at Becky as pity? That felt like a new low.

Becky wasn't going to owe Freen anything.

She got out of the shower and put on her black jeans with blue lightning on the back, a white button down with a pink skeleton sweater vest on top of it. She added all her silver and white jewelry and her Doc Martens.

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