Chapter one

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Cold... nothing but cold... Ghost the Hedgehog is freezing... Abused... Ghost is dying... unwanted... he was abandoned by his family and his foster family...

He used to be a best friend of Team Sonic... but then Eggman captured him and manipulated him to be evil....

Watch what happened....
I don't wanna do the capturing and the mission cuz I'm lazy


A robot carried an unconscious Ghost in the lair

Decoe: Doctor!

Bocoe: a plan actually worked!?!

Eggman: of course it worked you fool why would Ghost be unconscious

Robot brung Ghost to a tube

Eggman: now to wipe all of his memories and replace them with evil

Ghost woke up

Ghost: Wha-what?....what happened? Where am I?

Eggman: Oh, team sonic abandoned you, I saved you.

Ghost: No... no, no! They wouldn't!

Eggman: Hear this recording

Sonic: (recording) Let's —leave —him, he's— useless-

Knuckles: (recording) exactly— let's go—

Tails: (recording) alright —guys I... agree.

Ghost: No! You... no!

Eggman: Now do you believe me? Help me get revenge!

Ghost: hell to the No will I work with an egg-size brained man

Eggman: Language! Anyway, YOU WILL WORK WITH ME....

Eggman electrocuted the tube, making Ghost yell. Ghost got unconscious.

Eggman: alright now to replace his memories with evil ones

Eggman pulled a lever and the tube replaced Ghost's memories

So that's how it happened Ghost is now evil

It's Gonna Be Okay: Dark Sonic x Super SonicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon