Chapter seven

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Sad chapter, Sonic turns into Super Sonic and Ghost tries to fight his dark self.

Ghost sighed. Day 1453 he was in here... darkness surrounding him like an old friend. Why does the team try to get him back? He's useless and weak. He didn't even know how to fight. His dark self was way stronger, Hyper-Sonic stronger.

Ghost sighed once again and sat down. Not like he had any other choice. Each time he tried to fight his dark self he gets tortured. Especially that time when he foiled his dark self's plan.


Sonic was thinking about how to save Ghost. Then he came up with the idea to use chaos emeralds and transform into Super Sonic. He saw Cheese.

Sonic: Hey, Cheese.

Cheese: Chao?

Sonic: you think you can grab some Chaos Emeralds for me? I'll look too and we'll meet here if we find any.

Cheese: Chao Chao Chao Chao

Cheese left to find emeralds and Sonic did too, soon Cheese came back with four and Sonic came back with three

Sonic: alright let's get super!!

Cheese: Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao!!

All the Chaos Emeralds circled around Sonic and transformed him into Super Sonic

Cheese: Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao Chao

Cheese tickled Super Sonic's cheek by hugging it

Super Sonic: hey, stop! Hahahaha!!

Cheese stopped

Super Sonic: I'll go save Ghost. You stay here.

Cheese: Chao

Super Sonic went off.


Dark Ghost: all of Team Sonic is dead.

Ghost: No, there's Sonic, Rouge, and Omega

Dark Ghost: Omega isn't even alive!!

Ghost: We consider that he's alive!

Dark Ghost: Fine i'm gonna shatter Omega into a million pieces.

Ghost: NO!!!

Dark Ghost: shut up! Then all that will be left is Sonic and that ugly bat


Dark Ghost: SHUT...UP

Dark Ghost threw Ghost.

Ghost: I won't let you shatter Omega, he is my friend!!



Dark Ghost stood on him and put his leg on Ghost's belly

Dark Ghost: You are the weakest hedgehog I have ever met. The only reason I haven't killed you is because we're the same person and if you die I die.

Ghost: WHAT?!?

Dark Ghost: yeah so if they free you I'll still be inside you

Ghost: NOOOO!!!!

Dark Ghost: Yesss... you can never escape the darkness. I hear something outside.


It was Super Sonic as he was in front of the cave

Super Sonic: Ghost, come out!!

Dark Ghost: what do you want?

Super Sonic: I want my friend back!!!

Dark Ghost: sorry but your friend is gone.

Super Sonic: I know he's in there somewhere, he would never kill most of my friends... come back to me, Ghost!

Dark Ghost: HAHAHA !! Your so pathetic, your "friend" is gone! Your friend is also the weakest hedgehog I have ever took over!

Super Sonic: No, he's not! It's not about power! It's about hope!My friend was very hopeful, he hoped we could make the world a better place! Actually... HOPE is stronger than POWER. He didn't need powers to be a hero.

Dark Ghost: Ugh, a pathetic speech? Let's get this over with.

They ran at each other and Sonic threw Ghost to the bushes. Ghost blasted Sonic but he dodged with super speed. Ghost kicked Sonic and tried to punch him but Sonic dodged. Ghost threw him into the cave and the fight was taken to the cave.

Ghost pounced on Sonic and was about to snap his neck when Sonic turned the tables on him and pinned him down.

Dark Ghost: Soooooniiiiiiic... if you kill me...

Sonic was confused

Dark Ghost: you kill your friend, Ghost.

Dark Ghost actually let Ghost take control as Ghost stared at Sonic with scared wide eyes.

Ghost: Do it, Sonic! Kill me.

Super Sonic: Wha-what...? No!

Ghost: Yes, do it, please, it's the only way to stop him... it's the only way. Kill me...

Super Sonic: No, Ghost... I can't... knowing this fact I can't...

Ghost: I killed Shadow, Knuckles, Amy, Cream, Tails, and others. I'm too dangerous to be alive...

Super Sonic: theres still a life for you to live, Ghost... it's gonna be okay...

Ghost let some tears stream down his face as he closed his eyes, Super Sonic sighed and pulled Ghost in for a kiss. Ghost was very surprised.

Super Sonic: I would never kill you. I would have to be possessed, but otherwise I would never murder my friend...because I love you.

Ghost's eyes widen.

Ghost: I... I love you too...


Dark Ghost: Wha-what's happening?

The room filled up with rainbow

Dark Ghost: no... no!!!!

The rainbows blasted Dark Ghost.


The two continued their kiss. Then they pulled away. Ghost smiled and leaned on Sonic's chest.

Ghost: thank you...

Super Sonic: your welcome...

Ghost: but what about the others they're still dead

Super Sonic: maybe we can use the chaos emeralds to bring everyone back... not Shadow.

Ghost glared at Sonic

Super Sonic: fine I'll also bring Shadow back ;-;

Ghost smiled and continued to lean on Sonic's chest as the gold hedgehog felt the dark blue hedgehog start to purr.

Super Sonic: hello kitty

Ghost: Sooooniiic!!!

Super Sonic: no regrets

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 18, 2023 ⏰

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