Chapter five

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Now i'll give a chapter about how the real Ghost is doing inside Dark Ghost mixed in with Dark Ghost about to kill Sonic.

Ghost was horrified when his alter ego killed Emerl. He felt so bad. Emerl didn't deserve this... neither did Cream. He was also horrified when his dark alter ego killed Silver and Blaze. Now his dark self is telling him the next plan... to murder Sonic. After that, everything would fall apart.

Ghost: No... no! What your doing is wrong!

Dark Ghost: Awww, but it feels so right 😈 besides it's fun watching people actually suffer!

Ghost: NO, IT'S NOT, I am taking my friends' revenge!!

Dark Ghost stopped Ghost from killing him.

Dark Ghost: I think your forgetting two things...

Dark Ghost grabbed Ghost's arm and threw him into a wall

Dark Ghost: you can never defeat me... and we're the same person... you'd have to kill yourself.

Ghost was mentally breaking down.

Dark Ghost: and don't think of fighting... your only gonna lose....

Dark Ghost left to kill more people. Ghost couldn't take it anymore. He didn't want more of his friends to get murdered. Ghost broke down into tears.

Ghost's thoughts: He's right... he's too strong. I'm weak, very weak. I'm useless. They shouldn't even try to save me....


Ghost had killed a few of Shadow's Chao and also Cream's (at the garden) and was off to kill someone else. Sonic was the next target. The Chao just got in the way (Shadow's Chao was forced to by Cream's) and that meant murder.

Ghost told Sonic he needed to talk to him about something. Sonic bought the bait and followed Ghost. However, some of the Ghost that he knew and loved was still in there, so he had some objections.

Sonic: What do you want to talk about?

Ghost: You know... something.

Ghost stopped them at the beach and Sonic was very confused

Sonic: what the heck?!

Ghost: You wanna know why your friends Emerl, Silver, and Blaze got murdered?

Sonic: Yeah, I do!

Ghost: Well....

The real Ghost managed to take control

Ghost: don't listen to me Sonic!

Sonic: what?! What do you mean?

Ghost: It's a trap, Sonic, it's a-


Dark Ghost: quiet!!!

Ghost: ahhh!!!

Ghost slammed into the wall

Dark Ghost: Now... time for murder...


The evil Ghost took control again

Ghost: never mind that.

Sonic: What was that?

Ghost: Forget about it, I was saying—


Ghost: Stop!!

Dark Ghost: wha?-

Ghost threw Dark Ghost out of the controlling stuff and took control


Ghost: No, Sonic, leave!

Sonic: What? What are you talking about?

Ghost: It's a trap, Sonic! I murdered them!

Sonic: WHAT!?

Ghost: He's going to murder you! Run—!


Dark Ghost: BRAT!!!

Dark Ghost pushed Ghost out and took control


Sonic: Ghost, are you okay? Did you really murder them?!

Ghost: No! I'm not a murderer!

Sonic: you just said—I don't trust that!

Ghost: Sonic, believe me!

Sonic: I'm gone and telling the others!!

Sonic zipped off.



Dark Ghost pinned the real Ghost

Ghost: ahhh!!

Dark Ghost: You foiled my plan!

Ghost: yeah because you were about to kill Sonic! Everyone and everything will die!

Dark Ghost: No matter how bad you try, you can NEVER defeat me, you're too weak! You are a useless and weak hedgehog brat!!!

Ghost cowers in complete fear.


Sonic: Everyone! Everyone!

Amy: (confused) Sonic?

Sonic: Okay, so you know how Silver, Blaze, and Emerl died?

Tails: pretty much.

Sonic: Ghost killed them!

Tails and Amy: WHAT?!!!

Sonic: YES! Someone took over Ghost's body!!

Shadow: how do we know your not lying, faker?


Sonic sped off.

Tails: did Sonic just yell at us?...

Rouge: he never yells.

Amy: maybe he's actually serious, maybe someone did take over Ghost's body.

Knuckles: if he yelled he's pretty serious.

Cream meanwhile was very scared by Sonic yelling. He never yelled before.

It's Gonna Be Okay: Dark Sonic x Super SonicWhere stories live. Discover now