Chapter three

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After the reunion with his friends and meeting Emerl, Ghost was walking along the beach silently.

Ghost's thoughts: Man, they really are annoying. I better kill then fast. I'm just gonna kill whoever I find.

Ghost kept walking, searching for people to kill, then he found a grey hedgehog with a purple cat (yes this is placed in the modern universe)

Ghost's thoughts: Silver and Blaze... hmm, Silver, Blaze, which one?... I'm not that close to either of them. Blaze can burn me, but Silver can send me to the clouds above!... which to choose, which to choose... eh who cares? I'm gonna kill both.

Silver and Blaze were having a conversation, when Ghost got his gun ready and shot Blaze who collapsed.

Silver: Blaze!

Silver was helping Blaze when he got shot too and collapsed.

Ghost: It feels so good to be bad.

Ghost walked off. After a while the gang noticed and had a funeral for Silver and Blaze. Ghost was laughing on the inside.

Ghost's thoughts: maybe I should wait til I kill another, too many people are here.

And he walked off.

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