Chapter four

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Ghost noticed Emerl and Cream talking to each other (Tails installed a voice chip in Emerl)

Cream: It is a wonderful day! Isn't it Emerl?

Emerl: yes, it's  a beautiful day.

Ghost's thoughts: I can't kill Cream, she's only 9, so i'll kill Emerl.

Ghost shot Emerl and Cream was horrified and cried.

Ghost's thoughts: Dang it, I hate it when she cries. I don't like it... I really don't... she must've really loved Emerl... what have I done?...

Ghost shook his head to snap out of it.

Ghost's thoughts: No! Snap! Out! Of! It!

Soon he smirked

Ghost: Goodbye, Emerl....

Ghost left Cream to grieve for Emerl.

It's Gonna Be Okay: Dark Sonic x Super SonicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ