CHAPTER 10: Ru'Vin'ole

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CHAPTER 8 Ru'Vin'ole

Ru'Vin'ole. Ancient elvish for Winds. Invisible spiritual beings charged with carrying out the Master's plans. They fulfill his will and guide prophets and travelers. They are formless and sexless souls. When they appeared to Man and elve in the past, they were dressed in linen and wore belts of purified red gold. Their faces and eyes were as magnificent and luminous as the most precious stones. They wore boots of burnished bronze, but the Winds are cautious to show themselves in solid form. They appear only when necessary, offering their voice to those who would only listen.

They offered their voices to her and warned the enchantress to change her ways and leave Cardamon. The voices fell on deaf ears. For only a fool rode the Winds with a dark heart.

Vanice made herself comfortable in her Seseh suit. Nothing would call her to leave. The Winds, the Master, or sickness. She was the Master now and all would kneel before her. Even Ezekiel the Spiderling.

"Where is my wife?" he yelled, his Spiderling frame in pain.

"Calm yourself, Ezekiel?"

"You have imprisoned us and I have no idea where Aracnia is. Calm myself?"

"Aracnia's disposed at the moment." Seseh paused. "But I need your help"

"Not as far as I can see." He glared at the queen, still bent before her. "It seems you are comfortable." 

He began to stiffen, trying to calm his heated nerves.

She leaned forward near a torchlight revealing her skin melting like a candle. She had gone pale, her blue eyes now a faded grey like death. Her lips drooped and drooled. If he could run away, he would. He knew better and she held the life of his children in her hands. 

She stood and walked forward, her skin falling loose and grisly onto the floor. Her arms stretched and twisted to her knees. If she wasn't disfigured, she would've lashed him. Instead of her grace, she looked like a drunken draugen. 

"I'm losing form," she cried.

"That's obvious." he leaned back to try and get away but the guardsmen held him.

He flinched. Seseh came close to his face and he could see every grueling detail. Every dripping clump of waxen, clay-like flesh. She was like an art piece that had paint removal dripping down. 

Her jaw cracked. The woman ignored his fear and pulled him up, seeking balance and holding his arm. It should have been easy for him to fight back; he had seen her weakened state. Yet, again he thought of his children held captive. He scowled, shifted his weight, and tried to break free with an uncomfortable tingle.

"As you can tell, Ezekiel. I don't seem too comfortable."

"You're a golem!" Cried Ezekiel, surprised. 

Irritated, she shouted back, "Seseh is! I am not! Your queen is in agony, help her?" She dropped back to her throne and sat with an uncomfortable poise as her ears dripped with waxy ichor.

Silence fell upon them.

He looked up at the dark figure.

"Your subjects are in agony!" he replied, his voice low and harsh-sounding. "My family is going to die. Help them! Don't you care?"

She squinted back at the frustrated Spiderling male. Vanice sat motionless and her heart stopped for a moment. Here was her chance. Seseh spoke with warmth. Her face was sad and lost.

She cleared her throat and tried to speak through gasps. "Yes, I do care. Vala--"

"NO," she said with a firm jerk, through clenched teeth, only it wasn't Seseh. "Seseh, you stay out of this! You are mine, you hear?"

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