Chapter 1: Adventurers

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(Y/N)'s POV

I brace myself as another shot is taken at my ship. "Damn it! They're getting closer!" I curse at the two ships behind me.

'Damn Ether Bullets!' My ship can't take much more damage. This is an older model so they aren't as durable as the newer ones. I regret not stealing a nicer one but, I was in a rush. Obviously, karma had time today because they just shot out the right wing. A red alert sign is blaring on my screen. "I know!" I yell in frustration, the ship slowly losing balance.

"Okay, think! There's no way this thing can go on much longer. So I need a way out." I flinched as I heard the shots fired at me get even closer. "Come on! Come on!" Looking around the room for help, "Yes! I knew there was an escape pod!" Abandoning the wheel, I ran to the pod as my last resort.

It's a tight fit, I won't be able to bring anything, oh well, not like I have much anyway. So many of my possessions have been either lost or stolen over the years. But it's fine. The only thing I carried that actually mattered I lost a long time ago.

"Releasing in 3...2...1..." My heart drops when I'm dropped down from below. I look up to see my capturers still chasing after my now vacant ship. 'Good, they didn't see me. I wonder how long they'll be chasing after it?' I thought to myself. But my question was answered once they fired a missile. The explosion causing me to flinch, thanking Mother that I got out in time.

" least I don't have to worry about being tailed anymore. But now I need a ship." I speak to myself. "Shouldn't be hard. I just need some sucker to steal it from.

"Hm, where should I go next..." I typed away on the keypad. The nearest planet is miles on top of miles away. I groan, knowing this is going to take forever.

Luckily, it's Blue Garden. "Blue Garden, I heard of that before. 'The Planet of Adventurers'. That's perfect! There's always a bunch of newbies going there to join a guild. I can totally steal a ship from one of them!" I set the destination to Blue Garden and lean back in my seat, making sure to get comfortable because I'll be here for a while.


The capsule begins to slowly land on the dock. I step out and grab my phone from my pocket. Thank goodness I always keep it with me. I can survive without a ship, but my phone, absolutely not.

I pull up my fake Adventurer card, it's authentic but a different name and ID code. The last thing I need is someone looking me up. I don't want him to get any alert or notification that I'm alive and I have to be extra careful since he has eyes everywhere.

After getting checked in at the dock, I set out to find some food first. I was in that pod for the last four hours so I'm starving.

A Nikolaus catches my eye from the window of a small diner. I'm instantly swayed by its cuteness and decide to eat there. So I walk inside, passing a cute couple and their pet cat, and head to an empty booth, where I wait to order. My back lays against the leathery seat in the corner.

'After I'm done eating here, I'll go back to the dock. I should be able to override someone's ship from there. Or maybe I should find some dummy to trick. There's a famous guild here, maybe I could try someone from there...'

"Awesome! My face is even on the card!" I hear the man from the couple say. His back is towards me, but I can see that he has black hair. His partner, the blonde haired woman and a blue cat are sat across from him.

"It's actually a type of Ether power." She says.

"Yeah, but it's not nearly as powerful as the amazing Ether Gear you have." The cat also spoke.

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