Chapter 37: Shiki vs Drakken

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"You...!!!" I glared. She tilted her head, blushing. "Aw come on, don't look at me like that."

"Who's that?" Shiki squinted.

"I forgot. Only Homura and (Y/N) know who I am." She repeated the previous motion to activate her shapeshifting power, now appearing as the avatar she used when she impersonated Homura.

That sparked the memory from their encounter with her on Digitalis. "AHHH!" They screamed, now recognizing her.

"The Faumura!"

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Weisz barked.

"And Labilia?! Where's the real Labilia?!"

"There, there. Just simmer down." She changed back to her original form, "I showed you who I really am because I trust you, and I want you to trust me. I'll explain everything in a bit. 'Kay?"

Everyone silently agreed and we looked at her to explain. "I'm Amira. I'm on a certain mission to chase Drakken down. What happened on Digitalis was all a part of that."

"Yeah, but you tricked us!" Shiki fumed.

"I could've done that to anyone to get into Digitalis. Besides, I had no plans on killing you, unless I got exposed."

I sweatdropped, "you'd kill us if we exposed you?"

"Well...maybe not all of you..." She winked, causing me to roll my eyes at her lack of seriousness.

"Where's Labilia?" Rebecca asked her again. She looked really worried for the girl. It makes sense since we came all this way for her.

"She's fine. I came here undercover as one of the club dancers. That's the spot where I gathered intel. About a week ago, this girl named Labilia was brought here as a prisoner. I thought this was the perfect chance at infiltration, so I freed and replaced her."

"My line of work means I've gone through torture training, y'know. I don't look it, but I'm a nice girl. I gave her a quick explanation and got her to hide in the club. I also banned her from going online until my job was done. Which means I wound up being taken prisoner." She smiled.

"Sounds like you took a huge risk." Weisz said.

"Well, they say Drakken doesn't kill anyone. To tell the truth, I thought that was my best shot at getting near him. If I got near Drakken, I could've used my 'Mirror Face' ability to become him. While I can't copy people's abilities, I can get their memories, and whatever it is they're thinking."

"In other words, you want to know Drakken's memories?" Sibir questioned.

"More like his weakness. My job is to bring it back to my organization."

"Organization?" Shiki repeated with a frown.

"Let's save that for later. Thanks to you, I know how to beat Drakken now. I could go back if I wanted, but since you guys said you wanna beat Drakken. I was just wondering if I could join in!"

Shiki looked at her like she just said the most unbelievable thing, which she did. I can understand his hesitation since Amira is shifty, but I do think we can trust her.

She blushed, "Just hear me out! I'm sorry for what I did back then. I had no choice but to trick you guys for my mission. Let's start over as friends!!"

All of his resistance went away when she brought up his favorite word, 'friend.' He beamed up, "Friends?! Okay, I believe you!"

"Are you kidding me?!" Rebecca and Weisz shouted.

"Now, how about leading me to that life support device?"

Moscoy suddenly started going off. He frantically screamed, "Moscoooy!" and waved his hands around in alert. Just then, the floor turned black and sticky. "What the heck?!" I screamed as I was pulled in.

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