Chapter 40: The Woman They Called Pirate

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3rd POV

"Connor. Sink the ship." Ziggy ordered

"With all due respect, Demon King, there are only women and kids on that ship. They're not soldiers, so attacking them would be a little..." The human onboard the Edens One disagreed.

Clown walked up to the control panel. "This is why humans are a hassle. You are only hired for your steering skills. Now be a professional, and do your job."

"I'm here because I agreed with the Demon King's ideals..."

"And that ship is threatening those ideals," said Wizard. "If we don't sink it now, I assure you, it will block our path one day."

"I would hardly call them a threat. They are but paltry prototypes," said Brigadine.

Killer analyzed them, "lack of sufficient strength confirmed. They are less than bugs."

Again, Ziggy ordered, "Sink them." This time Connor obeyed. "Understood."

The screen disappeared. "Grandpa!"

"Battle stations, everyone!" Witch quickly said. The Edens One pulled out their weaponry to attack.

(Y/N)'s POV

Hermit activated our shield before their attacks hit us but some of them were still able to get through. The ship tilted to the side and I was knocked to the floor.

Witch got into her seat and gripped the levers. "Our defenses won't work. We must take evasive maneuvers for now," she said as she steered us away from them. But, to no surprise, the Edens One wasn't going to let us get away.

"They're gonna ram us!" I informed her. The Edens One came at us in full speed to crash into us, but at the last second, Witch tilted us to the side so they just barely missed us. I thought it was okay until they started firing again, with them being closer, the ship took on more damage.

"The keel is damaged." Hermit said, rubbing the pain from her head.

"They hit the bottom of our ship. Shiki," Sister yelled, "he'll destroy us!" Shiki is the captain, so they needed him to give the okay to attack. But I can tell by the look on his face, he's conflicted. He doesn't want to fight his grandfather but he also can't let this ship, along with us, get destroyed.

"Shiki..." Rebecca walked up to him and they shared a look. It was all he needed to get back into the right headspace.

"Start attacking! Then we'll withdraw!"

"Roger. Launching scorpion missiles!" The ship shook as the set of missiles were released. Just as they were about to hit the Edens One, they intercepted the missiles with an attack of their own. A huge explosion was set that rumbled the ship. Through the fire, the Edens One was still intact and still on our tail.

"That's impossible! What kind of high quality interception system is that?" Weisz gasped.

A bunch of small bee battle drones were unleashed at us so Hermit sent drones of our own to fight back.

"What is that?" Homura asked, walking closer to the screen. I looked as well and through the dimness of the cosmos, I saw one of the Dark Stars, the teal haired one, standing atop one of the drones. "There's someone on top of the fighter!" Suddenly, using his staff he set off a crazy lighting attack that destroyed all of our drones at once.

Sister's eyes widened, "he took them out all by himself?!"

"Enemy drones approaching! There are 30 of them!" Pino yelled. With no defense of our own, the drones could attack the ships freely at all sides. "Shiki, the ship won't last longer!" I shook my head at him as the ship rumbled, I was almost knocked to the ground by the wave of attacks that was hitting us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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