Chapter 17: The Girl on the Hill

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Crysta, The City of Crystals

Broken down buildings and debris clouded my vision as we trailed through Crysta. The city looks terrible, like it's been through war. I don't know how this wreckage could've happened.

"I don't think anyone's here. Not surprising though..."

"No," Weisz stopped, looking up ahead. Causing everyone else to pause as well. "There's someone over there." He pointed out a woman who walked very hazy. Surprisingly, she has a smile on her face which is crazy because there's nothing worth smiling about here. Her eye's caught a glimpse of us and she slowly turned her head, "Hello, travelers. Welcome to Crysta. Enjoy your stay." She said with a shaky voice.

I gasped when she fully faced us. The left side of her head kept glitching, and even though what she's saying is kind, she looks scared. Something is definitely wrong. She repeated those words another time but then they grew to be distorted.

Then, her body was impaled by a huge blade. I flinched when her lifeless body hit the ground.

"NPCs are no good. They're way too boring." A tall man stepped in from behind her. He had a mohawk and giant killer scythe. "It's so obvious they're just programs, it's almost painful. And that simply won't cut it!" He harshly kicked her body, causing it to disappear into nothing. "Nothing beats the rush of hunting players." He said with a menacing grin and an evil cackle. "Don't you agree...My dear player friends." Those crazed eyes turn to look at us now.

Weisz backed away in fear, "don't tell me he's..."

"There's no doubt about it. He's Jamilov the Killer." I said.

Jamilov stood before us, "would you listen to this? I heard there were some new players in Digitalis. So I thought I'd go say hello, but I got to the wrong town. It couldn't have been any worse. There I was at this Inn, with a party of some gorilla-looking veteran players staying at the Inn. And they were just so boring! So...I dealt with them. Go ahead, take a look." He motioned to something behind him and what we saw made all of our mouths drop. "See? Isn't it just beautiful?"

Three bloody players all laid on top of each other like a pancake stack and held together by the sharp top of a building.

"H-Help...someone, please!" A man said, voice filled with pain.

"They're still alive!" Homura screamed.

Shiki didn't waste a single second before using his gravity to fly up and save them. Jamilov looked amused at this and chuckled playfully, like he's watching a party trick and not a man suffering. It only made my blood boil.

"Ooh! I'm sorry, but they're already dead! My power keeps them from ever logging out! Not that logging out would save them from meeting such a hopeless demise!"

"You fiend." Homura growled.

"Ha ha ha! If I let them log out, I wouldn't be able to see their last moments! And that really doesn't work for me!"

All of a sudden, the man's cries were silenced and his head fell down with no restraint. Then, their bodies disappeared from the game. Shiki trembled, "he's dead..."

"Death in this world...means dying in the real world..." Pino said with tears in her eyes.

"Bastard!" I screamed and ran up to Jamilov, punching him straight across the face. He went flying back into a pile of rubble. It sounded painful but he got right up, instantly. Almost like my punch didn't affect him at all.

"What? That lanky bastard can handle my punch?" I mumble in confusion.

"Nice try, but you're gonna have to try harder than that you..." He paused looking at my face for the first time. "You...Where do I know you from?" He narrowed his eyes on me.

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