Overrated tropes in the ch fandom

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Welcome, welcome back to this late-night post of mine once again, dear Reader.

This time I will rant about overrated tropes in this fandon, I have already covered one, this being at the time's big trend of Parent!USA and my views on it, you may want to check it out if you would like.

First of it being, the HiddenMask!USA, I will admit sometimes this trope was been executed masterfully.(See: Pale for example).
   But, most of the time it doesn't bring something new to the table, or isn't compelling enough in terms of storytelling and goes almost through the same formula in most of the time. Sure, there might be differences between stories in a few things, but that's not my point of concern right there, it is the overall story formula, this being the following:

-America for some is depressed, this being either to past experiences, mostly relating to the civil war that happened in their country.

-They are fanon America in the outside, you know the drill of it.

-There is a long angst arc, where they hide it from it others.

-Somehow someone discovers it, leading to the strongly emotional moment, etc.

-And Recovery finally, instantly or through a short arc featuring it as its main theme.


I will admit, I am a big sucker for these type of stories too. I really love recovery fics through intense angst! I used to read these all the time a while ago during my time in the DreamSMP fandom.

But, what I want to say here is just this..maybe we could add a unique to this type of narrative also.

One example is like this:

We follow the usual formula until the final arc/end part of the story: Which is the Recovery one.

 Imagine this, America was recovering very good, it was an average day, this could be in the final chapter of the story or towards the final chapters, and America was acting like usual in the beginning of the chapter all good and dandy! But, then at one point they leave to go somewhere, things continue as normal until the very end of this chapter...

When America was discovered either dead by committing suicide, or having a major breakdown/the mask falls really falls and this was all an persona to not make anyone worry.

This could open the possibility for a sequel, or just leave it there open-ended if it is the final chapter. Or, if it is the case where it is the towards the final chapters, this is the true final arc of the story, not the 'Recovery' ones, in this case on what happens is up to the author!

Other one could be, that it was an all act all along, (See: The Unreliable Narrator trope).

And so many others possibilities that could be added, let your fantasy wild on the possibilities!

Imagine in the middle/or in the very start America runs away and starts a new life, and the rest of story follows their new life and how their past affects them..


 Anyways, second trope, Philip.

By this name alone all of you get what I mean, for you whose don't, let me fresh you up on this one.

Normally written by kids who haven't probably finished 6th grade yet and English isn't their first language also, most probably from a SEA country, most probably a girl, that's the stereotype for the classic fanon Philippines, who always has everyone love them, they have a huge harem,
are secretly a superpower, secretly depressed and is the lost hybrid princes- Okay, that's enough words for you to get what it means.

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