[META] rambling, just rumbling.

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hey, if you are here for my usual (not so) rants about CH tropes, then this one isn't for you.

thos could be considered more general oriented, geared towards a general situation. as seen through the chapter's title.

chapters labeled [META] will be towards topics not directly related to the CH community, but still slightly related to it in a way.


so, at the time of writing this it is 4am. i should be sleeping, but im not.

"why?" you may be asking yourself. why am i not sleeping?

simple. i just cant and im thinking about this,

thinking about what happened to reddit, and how easily it could happen to wattpad and other apps and it happened already to twitter.

reddit *was* an app i used a lot.

i lurked and sometimes participated in some communities there once a while.

including the ch, polandball, imaginarymaps, and a few other communities.

it was nice before the storm started.

before the third party apps closed down, which in fact I used one(Infinity).

i saw some of these subreddits shutdown, and then after the protest failed,

they continued normal. like nothing has changed. shitting towards their asses, not doing shit.

and I? what did I do?

i left reddit sooner than later, and did a thing i dont regret,

joining Lemmy.

which if you don't know is a federated platform that is like reddit.

the fediverse is cool really, but

i am not here to tell about this.

i am here to tell about the ones who didn't do shit, who now still help feed into that fucking greedy's CEO pockets.

now, i cant participate in these communities anymore, because of their unwillingness to do something, for fucksake to migrate towards the fediverse, like some subreddits have done.

my point is this,

i plead you guys to come over, to help foster once again new communities, for them to thrive and to give a reason for these..people back there to come over.

i dont want us to be that easily split. i dont want the communities i love to be silenced into the quiet tundra of obscurity by the hands of greediness.

i know the fediverse is confusing, but please be willing to learn something new, it isn't that confusing really once you get used to it.

maybe use that brain of yours else than to read rusame smutfic #2817529 or write another rusame fanfic with the same recycled plot presented like disney's 'new' live action movie #173939.

Also, Ao3 is open source, and in a way federated.

Lemmy is like that also, it can communicate with platforms like Mastodon, because of one thing:

they use the same protocol.

think about how email works, this way.

see, simple?


i hope to see our community flourish over at there at Lemmy.

hope to see ya'all over there, eventually.

not the thirdunion shippers tho, you guys can go at x.com(formelly Twitter)

the rest, come over, as long as you are chill and pro-LGBT(bigotry is not tolerated).


until next time. -author pun.

CH Rants cuz idk what else to doWhere stories live. Discover now