Chapter 21

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Crystal: Harry's ass is mine and mine only everyone understand
Mattheo: why does she get to deal with him and not you
YN: I promised her that she could hurt him physically however she saw fit if he hurt me
Pansy: what about the homewrecker Ginny
YN: *smirks* don't worry about her Fred and George will take care of that so let's focus on the red-headed cry baby and bookworm
Theo: let's hear the plan your highness we're all ears
Draco: did you really call her your highness seriously dude
Theo: yeah she's royalty YN is a princess maybe even a queen
Crystal: I think the title fits her she's definitely princess that one day will be a queen
YN: you guys are insane but not wrong *she explains the plan and everyone knows their part* has anyone even seen the golden Trio
Mattheo: nope haven't seen him all day maybe they're hiding out in their common room
YN: how in the hell can I break up with him in person if he purposely avoids me which I have a feeling he's doing
Pansy: cuz he never makes anything easy but I say forget him for now and let's go hang out together
Mattheo: agreed let's do movie day and draco's dorm since his room is the biggest
*yn is packing some stuff into a bag*
YN: why are you two lurking and being nosy
Pansy: well you know a little birdie told us you and Draco were super cuddled up together this morning
Theo: and from the looks of things you're doing it again so what's up with you two
YN: it's not really any of your business but to get you to drop it all we are are cuddle buddies now move it
Pansy: okay fine but for what it's worth YouTube would be cute together
YN: yeah yeah I'll keep that in mind *4 days later they Ambush the golden Trio and bring them to the second floor girls bathroom* make sure they're tied up good
Theo: yes nice and tight can't have them getting away
Hermione: you guys aren't going to get away with this someone will find us
Draco: doubtful we put up a mirage and silencing spell on the entire bathroom no one is going to hear anything and only see an empty room
YN: Dray you got first dibs on Ron I get first dibs on Hermione then everyone else can have their turn
Mattheo: this is what I live for cracks his knuckles
Crystal: *Imperius Curses Harry* I want you to watch without blinking you cannot help or scream and know if you ever hurt why in this will be your fate Potter
Draco: I've hated you from the moment I met your sorry pathetic bitch ass Weasley punches him repeatedly
YN: I warned you to never hurt my best friend *kicks her in the ribs several times and curicos her*
Hermione: please stop *screaming in pain*

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