Chapter 50

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Harry: I can't leave you alone I love you. I shouldn't have started dating Ginny she's boring mean and I don't love her

Ginny: YOU DONT LOVE ME HARRY! I can't believe you would go behind my back and try to get back with this bitch and you YN go get your own man leave mine alone

YN: one I don't want Harry even if he was the last man on Earth I still wouldn't want him two harry you do love Ginny not me you only want the thought of me because you can't have me

Harry: that's not true and I'll prove it to you I swear

YN: HARRY JUST STOP IT OK! If you talk to me, give me gifts or anything like that I will inform Snape and Dumbledore that you're harassing me. I have to go stay away from me and mean it

Draco: hey Angel are you okay you're shaking *grabs her hand*

YN: yeah just Harry is being so creepy and obsessive. I told him to leave me alone but I have a feeling this is far from over.* Grabs his hand tighter*

Draco: it'll be okay Angel I'll keep an eye on him and you say. For Merlin's sake don't look now but here comes Ron

YN: fuck I just want a peaceful day why can I get that. Well here we go Showtime

Ron: there you are you and I need to talk

YN: I must say don't you look bright eyed and bushy-tailed for spending 2 weeks in the hospital wing

Ron: go to hell! Jenny told me everything you did like how you turn fred, George and my dad against my family

YN: it's not my fault that I consider me more as family then the rest of you weasel beaks but be happy Ron I'm no longer a Weasley so where is your bitch of a girlfriend anyways?

Hermione: I'm right here *looks at YN and Draco holding hands* are you two together now or something

Draco: why do you care either way you're with the dumbass weasel here

Hermione: here I felt bad for breaking your heart but since you fucked your bestie the first chance you got I only feel pity for you now

Ron: if he wants to date trash let him you're the one that upgraded baby

Draco: upgraded *laughs* yeah right every time you guys screw and she can't get off she thinks of me to orgasm

YN: look at her Ronald see how she says nothing and blushes a little it's cuz it's true. We're leaving now bye-bye. And oh Hermione you can keep those memories of Draco cuz I get to fuck him anytime I want *walks away flipping them off*

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