Chapter 56

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Pansy: please don't say that I love you

Crystal: I love you too but love is sometimes not enough when you can't fully accept or trust me

Pansy: *raises her voice* I said I'm trying what do you want for me crystal?! I'm fighting for us can you say the same?

Crystal: *yells* don't you dare question if I'm fighting for this relationship or not. I am not the one who is trying to change their girlfriend who is unable to be understanding and supportive or is being severely selfish like you are

Pansy: *slaps her* how dare you crystal! You're fucking bitch and I hate you *storms out pushing sore out of her way*

Thor: I don't mean to intrude I was just walking to my room when I heard yelling. Are you okay?

Crystal: *wipes her eyes* you're fine and no I'm not really okay. My girlfriend and I just had a huge fight and I don't know what to do.

Thor: may I ask what you were fighting about. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.

Crystal: mainly we were fighting about her not trust me and trying to change me into a person I'm not. So I told her that maybe we should take time to figure out if we want this relationship anymore.

Thor: from the way she left I see she didn't take that well.

Crystal: clearly and I refuse to be Gastly into changing who I am for anyone. But I love her so much. *sits on the end of her bed*

Thor: sits next to her I understand that. I've been there myself, so I know how hard it is.

Crystal: really you have? What happened?

Thor: well I had a girlfriend named Jane. She was wonderful and we were in love. We were together for 2 years and her and I lived here at midgard together happily. Until my father calls me back home to Asgard without Jane.

Crystal: what did your father want? And why couldn't you bring Jane with you?

Thor: as the air to the throne, my father wanted me to live back on Asgard and marry a princess from another realm. I told him I was in love with Jane. I wanted her to be my queen. He would not have it. He told me if I wanted to be king I had to end my relationship with her.

Crystal: wow no offense your dad was a prick for demanding that of you. So what did you choose?

Thor: I let Jane know everything and told her I picked her. That I didn't care about the throne. She said she knew I loved her but that I was lying about not wanting to be king. She loved me so much not to change me or make me give up my Birthright. She broke up with me instead. That was 4 years ago.

Crystal: I'm so sorry thor. Though what she did was the right thing. She knew you wouldn't be truly happy without ruling Asgard even with her by your side. She knew that love wasn't enough and your happiness was all that mattered. She is truly an amazing woman for that. I hope she found happiness.

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