Chapter I

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Characters are eighteen

Boomer JoJo was flying around with his brothers Brick and Butch. Brick and Butch had a plan more evil than anything Boomer could imagine; Boomer was unaware of this plan until it was revealed when they arrived at the destination, Brick and Butch had tied a little defenceless girl that the two boys had undoubtedly beaten and raped. "She tried to intercept our father Mojo and HIM, on their plan; take her life brother, and see justice done" said Brick, "Please let me go my Daddy will see you well payed for my safe return I promise" said the girl, "SHUT UP SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID CUNT!" yelled Brick punching her, and handing Boomer a straight razor and told him to end her life but make it look like an accident".

And with that they were off, "Please let me go" she begged as Boomer instead of striking her with it. He went behind her and cut the rope binding her. "Get out of her run!" yelled Boomer, "thank you, thank you!" she said before running off. As Boomer flew off to make sure that his brothers weren't watching, and went after her in fact they didn't; Boomer flew back down to where he released the girl. Where his dumbfounded brothers were waiting, "Dude did you hide her body?" asked Brick in an impressed tone, "No I didn't" replied Boomer, "Well where the fuck is she then?" demanded Brick, "She's safe as soon as I knew you were far away I cut her bindings and let her go" replied Boomer.

"Dude why the fuck would you do that?" demanded Brick, Butch was shocked when he saw Boomer violently shove Brick against a tree, "Because I will not be a part of fucking murder you sick and twisted fucks. "I may have done many terrible things with you two, but murder and Rape of an innocent girl or anyone, will never be among them!" Boomer shouted adding pressure to Brick's throat; "know this my days of being a criminal and a bully or a villain are over! I don't give a shit what either one of our fathers say!" yelled Boomer releasing his grip and flying off.

While he was in the air he decided to put his headphones in and listen to fallout boy's centuries to help ease the stress. As he was flying he'd accidently bumped into something; "Oh sorry" said Boomer, not knowing that person was Bubbles; "Boomer?" asked Bubbles, "Oh hey Bubbles" replied Boomer removing his ear buds; "Where are Brick and Butch?" asked Bubbles, "I was actually trying to get away from them" replied Boomer; "Why?" asked Bubbles, "Sigh They tied up what looked like a six year old girl up in the woods, where they beat and undoubtedly raped her, then they got me, and handed be a straight razor and ordered me to kill her" replied Boomer, "Oh god Boomer you didn't?" asked Bubbles, "no as soon as my brothers were gone I untied her and set her free. Let me get one thing straight Bubbles, of the many horrible things I've done in my life. Rape and Murder will never be among them, but I have decided to give up my life of crime" replied Boomer; "Well I had to see it to believe it" said Butch flying over.

"I told you Butch I'm giving up crime so unless you want to give it up too; please get the fuck away from me right now" replied Boomer, "Okay" said Butch seeing Bubbles sisters flying towards them, and knowing he was outnumbered, since Boomer gave up crime, as Butch flew off, "Wow I'm actually quite proud of you" said Bubbles, "Thanks" replied Boomer blushing, what no one in Townsville knew not even Bubbles or her sisters and his own brothers knew is that ever since he met Bubbles even though they were enemies at the time, Boomer had always had a crush on Bubbles, and Bubbles also had a crush on Boomer, "Um listen Bubbles do you maybe wanna get lunch with me or something?" asked Boomer.

Blushing Redder than HIM right now, "He-he-he Sure I'd love to" replied Bubbles kissing him on the cheek, by then Blossom and Buttercup finally showed up, "Boomer? Where did Butch go and where's Brick?" demanded Buttercup grabbing his throat thinking she was defending her sister. "It's okay Buttercup Boomer means no harm he told me he decided to give up crime" said Bubbles, as Buttercup released; "any funny business and I'll feed you your fucking heart!" yelled Buttercup, As Boomer saw his Brothers flying towards them and Brick blasted Boomer with his eye lasers, Boomer fell from the sky injured and unconscious.

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