Chapter II

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About a week later Boomer was still in the hospital. His burns were healing well; but the Doctors wanted to keep him in the hospital to monitor him for at least a few more months; but Bubbles made sure to visit him every chance she got. And with it being school holidays for a couple of months Bubbles visited him every waking hour; and spent all day in the hospital with him, until visiting hours were over. Meanwhile because he also wanted to stop his life of crime, they allowed Butch to stay with them since him and Brick still weren't talking and would probably try to kill each other. Butch was trying to work up the courage to ask Buttercup on a date. What Butch was unaware of is that, Buttercup would have said yes in half a second because she was actually attracted to him, it's just that because of the crimes they had committed, the Professor would have murdered them for going out with them at the time.

All thou Buttercup Blossom and Even Bubbles decided to help Butch quit smoking, and Buttercup quit too. Buttercup was hoping Butch would ask her out eventually, one morning Buttercup was flying thru the house; and since Bubbles had already left to visit Boomer, and she heard Eminem music coming from the guest room; and she went in there to see a shirtless Butch doing planks Buttercup giggled and slowly flew behind him; "Morning Butch" said Buttercup startling him, "AHH!" he yelled. "Watchya doing?" asked Buttercup, "planks do me a favour and pass me my phone?" asked Butch,"Sure" replied Buttercup. Handing Butch his phone and he looked at the stop watch, "aw sweet two and a half minutes" said Butch forgetting he was in his boxers, and also he had morning wood.

"He-he-he" giggled Buttercup, "What?" asked Butch, Buttercup flew closer up to him, "Nice package" replied Buttercup. Butch looked down and saw his boner, "Oh sorry" said Butch sitting down; "I'm a little surprised you didn't go with Bubbles to see your brother in the hospital" said Buttercup, "Well I was going to go with her but I overslept" replied Butch; "she only like left five minutes ago, you know if I was your girlfriend I would have helped you with your boner right now" said Buttercup. "Um actually I've been meaning to ask you about that" replied Butch, "Butch are you just asking me out so I'll help you with your boner?" asked Buttercup.

"No I'm not I'm asking you out because I like you, and I've kind of had a crush on you since we met, all thou we were at each other's throats" replied Butch, as Buttercup pushed him into his bed and kissed him, giving him tongue, "So I take your answer as a yes then?" asked Butch, "You guess correctly" replied Buttercup going for another kiss; "and since the Professor is out of town, and Bubbles is at the hospital visiting your brother; and Blossom has a date with someone she met online. Since there's no way she'd go for Brick, since we'll have the house to our selves; how about we have dinner and watch a movie?" asked Buttercup, "Sure sounds great" replied Butch going in for another kiss.


Bubbles had just arrived at the hospital; she flew over to the reception desk. "Why Hello Bubbles how are you?" asked the receptionist, "I'm not bad yourself?" replied Bubbles; "I'm fine what can I do for you?" asked the receptionist, "I'm here to see Boomer JoJo please" replied Bubbles, "why of course I was on duty last night, and I checked up on him and he told me he's giving up his life of crime" replied the receptionist, "Yea I knew that" said Bubbles.

"Really how?" asked the receptionist, "well I'm his girlfriend, and Butch has given up his life of crime too, he's living with us the professor said Boomer can move in as soon as he's discharged" replied Bubbles, as the receptionist handing Bubbles a visitor's pass proof that she was not a patient and she went to Boomer's room and knocked the door, "Come in" said Boomer, as Bubbles walked thru the door. "Hi Boomie" said Bubbles flying over to him and kissing him before climbing into bed with him and kissing him, "Hi Bubbles" replied Boomer. "So I hear you Buttercup and Blossom are helping Butch with giving up a life of crime, and giving up smoking too" said Boomer, "yep I hope you don't mind but we kind of let him stay with us and the professor says you can stay with us when you get out of here" replied Bubbles.

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