Billy's Back

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The doors slammed open and 15 heads snapped to look at who it was. The tall, lean figure framed in the doorway was made ever more the bad-boy spectacle by a tight leather jacket and jeans that accentuated his body in all the right places.

"Where is she?" He said, scanning the room.

"Billy, is everything okay?" Said Scottie, standing up.

"No. Can I talk to you outside?"

"Umm, sure. Mr. Clark, I'll be right back."

Though it didn't show on their faces, everyone admired how she stated it, rather than asked. She had a commanding presence, and maintained good grades, so the professors weren't worried about her missing a class or two.

"Billy, what's wrong?" He pushed her into an empty classroom and up against the teacher's desk.

"I have to have you."

"We already talked about this. And, don't you like Eden?"

"I had a thing for her, but she's not you."

"No, she's not! But if you treat her as well as you did me, she'll treat you the same, you will move on and love her or someone else more than you have ever loved me."

"But why?" He was gripping her shoulders very hard, grasping her close to him. "Captain, I want you now. I want to kiss your body now and study every part of you...but I can't because of Harrington. He has you, and it makes me want to throttle him."


"No! You don't understand! How could you? You love Steve, you don't have feelings for me anymore—"

"That's not true!" She yelled, pushing him off of her.


"I—I don't love Steve yet; I haven't even known him that long. I like him but..."

"You used to love me."

"Yes. My love can't just disappear—I do still have affection for you."

"So, you still love me? And you don't..."

"I...umm," then he kissed her. A long, blissful kiss that she had been longing for since they broke up. "Billy, I can't—" but he stopped her mouth again and she didn't mind a bit. He lay her down on the desk so he could feel her better and she only wanted to make it easier for him. She willed herself to be lighter, she matched her body to the rhythm of his, she lifted her head slightly so he could touch her hair and kiss her neck; she slid her hands underneath his half-buttoned shirt and welcomed the sense of prickly nerves as he touched her, the feel of physical perfection and sensual pleasure that only Billy could give. She cherished these refreshing moments, but she knew they couldn't last forever. "Billy, you, you have to go."

"I can't," he said, sitting up, cross-legged on the desk, across from her. "I love you. I don't want anyone else."

"I know, but, but, I'm with Steve, and I will always love you, but not in the way you need."

"I don't care about what I need, I want—"

"That's the problem! I can't give you what you need, and I can't make you care—you need someone who can. Billy, listen to me: you were my first boyfriend, the first person I've ever loved, and I will never forget that. I know you love me, but I know you will find a better love in someone else. Sweetie, I can't tell you this enough: you are amazing, you are wonderful and I love you, always and forever. Never forget that—treat every woman as good as you have treated me, and you will stay in the loving memory of every woman you meet."


"Honey, you have to let go." He sat there for a few minutes, then Scottie leaned her head in his lap. "You have to let me go." He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead. "Let me go," she whispered gently into the strong arms that cradles her.

And at last, "Okay." Silent tears rolled down his face and soft tears soaked into his shirt, but neither was any the wiser of the other's pain. 

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