Chapter 5: dance with me

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For the rest of the day, I avoided Mingyu. The banquet was tomorrow and yet, I still could not dance. This was terrible. "Father and Mother would be attending this banquet!" I thought to myself, pacing around my room anxiously. I had to come up with a solution.

I thought back to my argument with Mingyu and stopped in my tracks as a flurry of doubts ran through my mind. Now that I was no longer angry at him, I could think more rationally. Was I being petty then? Childish, even, for running away like that? I sat back down on my bed. Maybe father was right, maybe I had been acting too much like a child about all of this. "Mingyu did look very hurt then..." I thought as a wave of guilt and worry washed over me.

I checked my clock: it was nighttime already. Without wasting any more time, I hurriedly made my way out of my room, running down the halls in search of Mingyu. The hallway was dimly lit and empty, since the servants and maids were all busy preparing for tomorrow's banquet. My footsteps echoed through the hallway as I ran, while I grew more and more breathless nearing the end of the long line of doors. Eventually, I arrived at the door of Mingyu's chambers. Catching my breath first, I knock, and the door immediately swings open. There Mingyu was, in his nightgown, looking very surprised to see me.

"Good evening, Your Highness. To what do I owe this pleasure?" he bowed, smiling politely at me. His actions were courteous, but I could sense that he was still upset.

"Good evening, Prince Mingyu. I... have a favour to ask of you..." I say, feeling incredibly sheepish and still a little out of breath.

Mingyu leans against the doorframe with his arms folded, raising an eyebrow at my request.

"I... need you to teach me how to dance!" I admit, my face, scarlet with embarrassment. Mingyu does not budge. Instead, he continues to stare at me.

"I'm... terribly sorry about what happened today... Will you please forgive me?" I mumble apologetically before looking up at him.

Mingyu sighed.

"Alright, Your Highness. I will agree to teach you."

Feeling relieved, I smiled brightly and thanked him. However, my joy was short-lived.

"On one condition..." he added. Mingyu moved in closer until his arm was propped against the wall above my head. With my back against the wall, I gazed up at him, feeling slightly nervous.

"You are never to run away like that ever again, understood? I acknowledge that you might not like to face problems head-on. However, running away and avoiding them completely will do you more harm than good." Mingyu finished, chocolate brown eyes darkening into a muddy brown as he stared down at me, making me tremble slightly. Was he always this intimidating? Nevertheless, given that Mingyu now knew my only hiding spot, it was not like I had anywhere to run to anymore, so I nod. To my surprise, he continued.

"Additionally..." Mingyu hummed, inching his face slightly closer to mine. His expression grew darker and I could tell he was being serious.

"You have to learn to trust me. From now on, be completely honest with me and always speak your mind when I ask you to, alright?"

I paused before nodding again, but my hesitance made him unconvinced.

"Use your words, Princess," Mingyu whispered sweetly into my ear. His minty cool breath grazed past my neck, sending a ripple of shivers down my spine.

"Y-yes," I answer, blushing furiously in response.

"Good. See you tomorrow morning at ten in the ballroom. Don't be late." Mingyu stated coldly, before returning to his room and closing the door.

Your Wish is My Command - SEVENTEEN (Prince Mingyu x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now