Chapter 6: don't worry

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t/w: slight mention of anxiety/panic attack

I waited nervously in the ballroom for Mingyu to arrive. It was only nine-thirty in the morning, but I could not risk being late, not after what happened yesterday. I had never seen Mingyu like that before. Usually, he was cheerful and friendly — when I first met him, when he was helping the maids and servants in the pantry, even when I ran away, and he found me in the palace garden! Yet, yesterday...

"Good Morning, Your Highness! What a pleasant surprise! Someone's bright and early." a bubbly voice beamed from the entrance of the ballroom, pulling me out of my thoughts. It was Mingyu. He was smiling brightly, a spring in his step as he made his way towards me.

I was dumbfounded. Was this the same Mingyu from yesterday?

"Were you that excited to see me, Your Highness?" He teased, failing miserably to hide his wide grin.

"Hah, you wish." I rebuked, smiling and relaxing a little.

We began to dance. I focused really hard on every movement, trying not to make a single mistake. "Huh. This isn't so bad," I thought to myself. Just when I felt like I got the hang of it, I missed a step and tripped over Mingyu. Thankfully, he instantly noticed and caught me just in time. Soon enough, I was back on my feet.

"Woah, Your Highness. That was a close call. You were doing really well though, just a small mistake. I wouldn't fret over it too much, we can-" Mingyu chuckled to himself before looking back at me. Once he did, he froze. A worried expression flashed across his face for a brief moment before he quickly regained his composure. I stared at him, helpless. Without any delay, Mingyu promptly swooped me off my feet, carrying me and walking briskly across the room to lower me down onto a nearby chair.
"Wait here." He ordered, hurriedly rushing out of the ballroom.

I sat there, shaking like a leaf. My breathing was shallow and uneven, as tears streamed uncontrollably down my cheeks. I was devastated. "I made a stupid mistake. He's going to punish me. He's definitely going to punish me, just like she did. I-" All of a sudden, an icy cold sensation abruptly cut off my train of thought. I looked down, only to find that my hands — although still trembling slightly — were now both wrapped around a glass of cold water.

Soon enough, I discover Mingyu crouching down in front of me. He cupped his left hand on my cheek, tenderly using his thumb to caress my face and wipe my stray tears away.

"Shhh... It's alright Princess. Everything is fine, you are safe here." He hushed, consoling me until I finally managed to calm down.v

Your Wish is My Command - SEVENTEEN (Prince Mingyu x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang