Chapter 3

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|| Chapter 3 ||

The three girls walked down Charlotte's road. They had just turned onto her road, now they had to get to Charlotte's neighbor's house.

"Are we almost there? My feet are killing me!" Amy complained.

Charlotte rolled her eyes. "Well maybe we should get bikes, or y'all could learn how to ride a horse," Charlotte retorted. "But to answer your question, yes we're almost there."

Heather looked around. The houses were spaced quite far apart. The houses ranged from smalls one-story houses to semi-big two-story houses. Most of the houses had animals.

The girls walked past a two-story house with a lot of land, there was a huge pasture in the front yard with multiple horses in it. Charlotte pointed at it, "that's my house," she told them.

Heather and Amy looked at her. "You live there?" Heather gasped. All she had was an abandoned hotel, and an old run-down shack.

"Yeah, we moved out here from the city so that we could have horses, and so that it was closer to school," Charlotte explained. As she was talking, a pretty black paint trotted up to the fence.

It had a white face and blue eyes. Charlotte led them over to the fence to see it. "This is Treasure, he's my older sister, Melody's horse. She's in college so I've been talking care of him," Charlotte explained.

Heather stared at the beautiful horse. He's gorgeous.... "Y'all should come over someday, I could teach y'all how to ride," Charlotte said, noticing Heather's expression.

Heather didn't want to admit that she knew how to ride. She used to compete back at her old home, but then there was an accident... Her mom died in a car accident and her dad decided to move.

They had to sell all their animals and moved to the shack. Heather had to leave all her old friends. And then her dad left. Now she lived by herself in the old shack.

She didn't like to tell a lot of people, because she didn't want to go into foster care or have to go live in a group home.

The only person that knew was Amy. And she knew Amy would never say anything.

Heather reached out and pet the gelding. He let out a soft whinny and then turned and trotted off.

"We should hurry, Lauren is waiting for us," Charlotte said, stepping away from the fence and walking towards the house next door.

The trio headed along beside the pasture until they reached the neighbor's driveway. They turned down the driveway and walked along it, until they reached a beautiful, two-story house.

It had a fountain out in the front and a circle drive. There were trees scattered all over the property and it looks gorgeous.

Heather stared around at the beautiful house as Charlotte stepped up to the door and rang the door bell.

A young girl opened the door. She looked about 19. She had long blonde hair, and she had green eyes. She wore a blue sweater with a college logo on it, and she wore black jeans."Hi Lauren," Charlotte greeted her.

"Hey Charlotte, come on in," The young woman said, inviting the girls inside of her house.

Heather stepped into the house and stared at bright white walls. They had little speckles of color all over. Reds, blues, purples, pinks. It looks beautiful.

Lauren led the girls down the hallway and into the living room. They sat down on the couch and faced Lauren as she sat in a chair facing them.

"So what are your names?" Lauren asked Heather and Amy.

"My name's Heather, and this is my friend Amy," Heather introduced her and her friend to the older girl.

"Well it's nice to meet you. What exactly were y'all wanting to talk about?" Lauren asked.

The girls exchanged glances before Heather finally spoke. "We wanted to talk about the Forbidden Forest."
• • •
The Forbidden Forest

The black stallion raced across the field. He threw his head back and let out a loud whinny as he thundered across the plains. I'll always be free! He thought. He swerved around in a wide circle and headed back to the forest.

He could never go too far from the trees, because he didn't want to be caught by humans. He could never be a tame horse again...not after everything he'd been through. He was wild now. He always would be.

He slowed to a steady trot as he neared the forest. He trotted through the trees, weaving around the oak trees. He slowed to a walk as he approached the stream.

He hesitated at it before splashing across. He glanced around to see if the creature was nearby. He didn't see it anywhere. He warily walked through the forest, glancing around nervously. So far so good.


The stallion whipped around as he saw the creature step out from behind a tree. It's eyes flashed red as he neared. Aggression flashing in its eyes as it walked toward him.

The stallion pinned his ears flat against his head. He pawed the ground and reared up, pawing at the creature. Take one more step, I dare you. The stallion snorted and landed.

• • •

Okay, sorry it took longer than expected to get this published... I'll try to get the rest out either today or tomorrow. And then I'll start rewriting Wastelands, and I might even start on a new book 😉


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