Chapter 6

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Welp.. this is the last chapter of my 100 followers special!! Thank you so much for reading it!! Now I'll let you get onto the chapter!!

|| Chapter 6 ||

The wind whistled through the air, causing the tree limbs to rattle against each other.

A cold wind blew through the air, bringing with it a blood chilling screech.

Amy's eyes instantly flew open and she jumped out of her sleeping bag. She looked around and noticed that her best friend, Heather, was gone.

"Wake up, guys!" She hissed at the others as they slowly blinked open their eyes in confusion. "Didn't y'all hear that?" She asked.

"It sounded like a scream," Jackson said, scrambling out of his sleeping bag.

"Heather's gone," Amy pointed out, panic edging her voice.

"What if that was her screaming?" Charlotte gasped, staring around at the shadows that lay beneath the dark trees.

"Heather!" Charlotte called, walking towards the trees that lay at the edge of the small clearing where the group had spent the night.

"We have to go find her!" Amy said, she was terrified of what might happen to her best friend if they didn't find her in time.

• • •

The creature advanced towards her. Her heart was pounding in her chest as the wolf-like-creature watched her with its bright red eyes.

Heather's breath caught in her throat as she stared at the creature. It towered over her. She never expected it to be so big...

She gulped as the creature drew back its lips in a snarl, revealing its rows and rows of razor sharp teeth.


She wanted to scream out the word, but she was terrified that the creature would leap for her if she made a loud noise.

The creature took a step closer. It's red eyes flashing as it stared at her.

The creature froze and snapped its head around.


The sound of hooves pounding against the earth rang through Heather's ears.

Did they come for me? She wondered.

Then she saw a black horse burst out from the trees.

He was beautiful...absolutely beautiful.

The black stallion raced towards the creature, skidding to a halt right in front of the creature.

He pinned his ears back against his head and reared up on his hind legs.

The creature snarled at the horse and lashed out with one of its massive paws. Raking it's claws down the horse's shoulder.

The horse let out a screech and slammed his hoof down on the creature's shoulder.

Heather let out a soft gasp as she watched the creature fight the black stallion.


The Forbidden Forest - A 100 Followers SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now