Chapter 4

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The picture is something I found on google, that's what I imagine Ranger looking like. And yes that's an Aussie (Australian Shepherd) :))

|| Chapter 4 ||

The girls stepped out of the Summers'  house. "Want to go back to my place?" Charlotte asked as they walked down the driveway. "Sure," Amy said.

Charlotte pulled out her phone and texted her mom to ask if it was okay, a moment later her mom texted back. "Okay, let's go," Charlotte said, leading them back to her house.

The girls stepped inside the two-story house. The AC blasted into Heather's face. They walked down the hall, up some stairs and down another hall. They stepped into a room and Charlotte closed the door behind them.

"This is my room," Charlotte told them. She led them to her bed and sat down on it. "You know, we're going to need a way to get to the Forbidden Forest," she said, looking out the window. "I think we should ride horses."

Heather froze. She hadn't ridden since the accident. Heather and Amy exchanged glances. What do you think? Amy seemed to ask. Heather nodded. "Let's do it," She told Charlotte.

Charlotte smiled. "Okay! I can teach you to ride!" She said with a smile. She led the girls over to her drawer and opened it, revealing piles of jeans. "Pick out some to wear while I go tell mom," she told them.

Charlotte left the room while the girls chose jeans that fit. Charlotte came back a little later and showed them wear the boots were.

• • •

The girls headed outside to get the horses. Charlotte had gone ahead and tacked up the horses while Heather and Amy got ready. "This should be fun," Amy murmured.

Heather was nervous about getting on, she hadn't ridden in a long time. She saw that Charlotte had tacked up Treasure and a bay mare. "Heather, you'll ride Treasure and Amy, you'll ride my mare, Crimson," Charlotte said.

Okay, Heather thought as she stepped up to Treasure. He was a truly beautiful gelding. Charlotte led the horses into an arena in her backyard and helped the girls mount.

"Just walk around the arena," she told them. Heather nodded from her seat on Treasure. Amy glanced at her nervously and let Crimson walk. "Walk," Heather told Treasure, gently kicking the gelding with her outside leg. The black paint walked forward and Heather guided him to the rail.

They walked around the arena a few laps while Charlotte went to get another horse. She came back with a bay blanket appaloosa mare named Splash. She mounted the pretty little mare and started walking around the arena with Amy and Heather.

She nodded towards Heather as she rode past her. "You're a natural!" Charlotte said. Heather smiled back, she hadn't been on a horse in forever. She let Treasure pick up a trot and did a few circles. She cut across the center of the arena and changed rein at the other end.

She trotted past Amy and Charlotte. She was lost in concentration as she picked up a lope. She loped around the arena, doing circles every once in a while.

"Woah!" She said, pulling back to slow Treasure slightly, and then turning towards the rail to roll-away.

She picked the lope back up and loped around the arena, going in the opposite direction. She loped along the fence for a few minutes before slowing to a stop and backing up a little. "You're good!" Someone called out and she looked over her shoulder in confusion.

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