🌟Chapter 3 :- ( Settling things )🌟

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🌟Skip ( Jason's ) Pov🌟

So Tripp helped me get dressed and It was kinda embarrassing to wear a
pull-up but do I get to have a choice ?

I was no longer 20 year old young man who was going to get accepted at MIT ,
Jason Highmore was phyisically dead for the world.

I don't think anyone would belive that
I am 20 year old guy stuck inside body of a 4 year old toddler.

Dr Rizz wasn't that bad he seemed quite nice and I felt a fatherly aura surrounding him and I already got an impression that Emma was really loving and caring mother.

I think Tripp is good brother.

" - What are you thinking ? "
Tripp asked looking down at me.

" Nothing " I said.

" Don't stress that little noogie of yours Skippo , I am glad your fine "
Tripp said ruffling my hair.

" Hey ! don't do that " I said.

" Jeez fine Mr Grumpy pants "
Tripp said.

" Hey boys ! All paperwork is done , come on let's head home " Emma said picking me up.

" - Em- I mean Mommy , I can walk you know " I said.

" I know you can walk silly but you have been In hospital for quite a few days sweetie and I just want want to make sure that you don't stress yourself " Emma said and we reached for the car.

" Hey Em's I got a early day off so I can spend some time with my family , my fellow colleague will take over my shift for today " Richard said.

" That's great ! " Tripp said.

" So Tripp I heard you got selected for your Highschool Soccer team ? "
Richard asked looking at Tripp.

" Oh yes I did Dad ! " Tripp said.

" Oh that's awesome Tripp , I am really proud of you " Richard said.

" - Alright boys we can talk after we get home but now hop in the car "
Emma said putting me down.

I noticed a ' Paw Patrol ' child car seat in the back seat.

I noticed a ' Paw Patrol ' child car seat in the back seat

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No way I was going to sit In it.

" - Dr Rizz " I tugged on Richards pants.

" Jason don't call me Dr Rizz , If Emma or Tripp hears you we will be in trouble " Richard said.

" I an sorry but I don't want to sit in a car seat ! " I said.

" Jason , your in a 4 year old body and according to law you need to sit in car seat , it's for your own safety "
Richard said.

" NO ! " I said stomping my feet.

" What's going on ? " Emma asked.

" Nothing Em's , Skip just doesn't want to get in his car seat " Richard said.

" Sweetheart why don't you want to sit in the car seat " Emma asked.

" - Because I am too old for it !! "
I said.

Oh sh*t !!

" What does that mean ? Skip honey I thought you liked your Paw Patrol car seat " Emma said.

" Mom is it just me or you think Skip is acting a little bit weird " Tripp said.

" Em's I am pretty much sure Skip is just tired , he had been on pretty good medicines for a few days and it's normal for being grumpy "
Richard explained.

" Alright you get Skip strapped In his seat - " Emma said.

" Skipper be a good boy and stop fussing about car seat " Richard said.

" - but Daddy ! - " I said.

I hate calling the person I just met few hours ago ' daddy ' even If he gave me a new life.

Wait ? Does that mean he has become some what a father for giving me a second life.

" - No butts Skip , we need to get going home but If you are good I will take you to get your favourite Ice-cream "
Richard said.

" Really ? " I asked.

" Yep " Richard said and I nodded , Richard got me strapped Into car seat and we began to drive.

I was really bored so Emma handed me tablet playing Paw Patrol.

" - I need to Infrom Skip's preschool that we would be sending him from Monday " Emma said.

Preschool !?? I have to go to a damn preschool.

From getting accepted to MIT to going back straight back to preschool , my situation can't get any worse

Just great !

I panicked and Richard quickly noticed It.

" - Emma summer vacation's are starting In a about 3 weeks , I don't think we should send Skip back to preschool , I think we should give him a break " Richard said.

" Richard I can't believe I am hearing this from you , If Skip doesn't finishes his preschool he won't get into 1st grade " Emma said.

" Emma Skip is only 4 years old and I think to enter 1st grade he atlest needs to be 6 years old " Richard argued.

" Richard my baby boy is really smart , he outsmarts most of kids his age at Pre-K , so I think getting him in 1st grade won't be a bad idea , isn't that right sweetheart , your mommy's little Einstein " Emma said.

Haha ! you have no idea how smart I am , I got accepted at MIT but guess you won't belive it If I say.

" Still he needs to wear diapers at bedtime and wet his pants at school "
Tripp said and I blushed.

" Tripp I don't appreciate you making fun of your little brother , If I hear you say another word we might have serious conversation in my office once we get home , do you get it ? "
Richard asked.

" - Yes sir " Tripp said.

Haha!! that serves you !!!

" Bit*h " I said and realized I might have said it a bit loudly and Skip looked at me with wide eyes.

Oh no...

He heard it..

" MOM !! Skip just swore " Tripp said.

" What !? " Emma asked.

" Mom he just said Bit*h " Tripp said pointing at me and I quickly pulled my innocent little kid facade.

" - No I did not ! , bubba why are you lying ?? " I said.

" Mom he is lying !! I heard it clearly - " Tripp said.

" - Tripp I know you are upset that Skip gets all attention most of time but sweetheart he is just 4 years old and I expect you to teach your brother good things , lying is not a good thing " Emma said.

" Fine ! If you don't want to believe me , I know exactly what he said " Tripp said.

" We are almost getting home "
Richard said.

" I know what you said Skippo , I am gonna prove to Mom that her perfect little angel isn't always an angel that she thinks " Tripp said whispering at me.

Yeah buckoo you can do whatever you want , I am still smarter and older than you.

To Be Continued......


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